
Sunday 30 March 2008

just received the letter from mindef. haha. wow, its a satisfying pes for me. LOL. hmmm kinda expected but on the other hand, there's still got disadavantages but i dont mind. so ya. my future will most likely to be stick to become a teacher if nothing happen. haha.

ya lor. inspired by my lecturers, friends and some others. LOL ya lor. hmmm not bad hor. haha. one things i need to tell, my dad and bro gone back to malaysia. sian. i want to go back but i couldnt beared to live my mum all alone in singapore. so i choose to stay here and of course i need there's still alot of other reason, i choose not tell and i dont wanna waste my effort. haha.

ya lor. still got what to tell?? think no more le ba. hmmm oh ya still got, i need to go back to the campus to receive my good progress award, seriously never expected because during the days, i gave attitude towards my lecturer, pon- school, studies still quite okay nia and i received the award. wonder what are the criteria. LOL. ya i going to finish another hk drama le. haha. wohooo!!!! lol. goood. keep going. okay la, i lame. haha. take care my friend.

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A kapo who always want to be succesful in life.. haha