
Saturday 29 March 2008

okay somebody told me, i wrote things on these blog does not say my 'xin shi' so now this blog is specially dedicated to this friend. haha.

okay. haha. hmmmm recently trying to help a friend i think? i dont know whether he or she still treats me as a friend ma. but seriously i dont mind, the person whom am i helping treat me as a friend ma. maybe the person just treat me as a stepping stone ba or just a 'jiu sheng quan' ba. haha. i dont know. all i could do is just to help the person whenever he or she is in a need. haha.

so ya lor. i knew that one day, this will not going forever but i just want to help with all i could even though i know i have alot of shortcomings. haha. ya lor. sad hor?? furthermore, i know there's always a price for me to pay. if i'm land in asylum in the future or break contact with alot people i dont mind, as long it will show a bit of improvement and i'm happy enough. LOL. okay that's all for my xin shi.

hmmm yesterday went to national library to photocopy the whole book of leap of love. haha. i thought i was getting charged because i was not permitted to photocopy the whole pages of book due to some copyright issue. but i was lucky. haha. hehe. finally found the book and could read how ks would be the devoted guy to li-ann. LOL. hmmm i think i'm just like ks ba. haha. dont know la, think too much. haha. okay thats all for blogging. do look out a next new blog post.

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A kapo who always want to be succesful in life.. haha