
Sunday 2 March 2008

second day of watching one litre of tears. think its a very good drama especially aya contracted Spinocerebellar ataxia where nothing can be cured and it deteoriates ur health as time goes by. it reallys gives me an motivation for continue to live on. i hope anybody who wants to commit suicide watched this drama.

seriously i do feel that why i have such a navie mindset for the past few years. hmmm anyway to all my friend who wish to commit suicide. its not a bad idea of ending a life, but do u think of other's feeling especially ur parents, siblings and friend's feeling?? i know its a painful process of hurt by ur love ones but think of the above i mentioned and ur unrealised dreams. think about it, in the meantime u can confide with me.

furthermore there's still an unfortunate group where they need helps. think of it lor. still got alot reason for not to commit suicide.

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A kapo who always want to be succesful in life.. haha