
Monday 10 March 2008

hey i'm here to blog again. haha. feel like playing viwawa leh. but dont have the mood to play. haha. lol. maybe getting bored?? LOL. haha. i saw one of my viwawa mates on the board list when i was entering the hall.

i wonder how she really looks. haha. maybe she's a girl who everybody going for?? LOL. i dont know but all the best. LOL. looking forwards to class bbq on this coming friday. well, somehow i do really enjoy, some isnt. haha. i gonna miss alot of people. especially polar and ting, ling and joyce they all ba. lol.

even though i'm a regular mia students but i do pass the module. haha. so ya lor. haha at least u make me have a broder mindset where i'm not that ignorant, navie guy anymore. haha. thanks man!!! lets work hard together, my friend. haha

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A kapo who always want to be succesful in life.. haha