
Monday 10 March 2008

a few days had passed and its already in the third month of the new year. haha. hmmm after go to bayshore i actually asked mic and rc for a supper however they did not wanted to dine at there, so ended up i'm the one who ate at there.

haha. sian leh. haha. my birthday going to organise something but i'm the one who give out the most amount. haha. LOL. damm it!!!! haha. but no choice, who ask i'm the one who celebrated birthday.

oh ya hor. i need to ica for some legal procedure. haha. so ya lor. haha. if not that #$@!#@% thing i wouldnt being called up for ns liao. haha. sian!!!! nvm being a singaporean would guaranteed me to get money every year from the goverment. haha. not a bad idea right??

furthermore, i think i would be going to save money to buy a laptop and this laptop is the expensive among all, the macbook air. LOL. tio tempted by the apple co-owners, steve. haha. so ya lor. haha.

the last thing i think of signing up for nebo because the previlages seems tempting. if i'm going to sign up, i would be going for the most ultimate one. haha. the one which i need to pay 69 sing dollars if i didnt remembered wrongly. haha. so ya, that all from the the pope, the froggy. lol. take care.

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A kapo who always want to be succesful in life.. haha