
Saturday 30 June 2007

Introduction oF mY recently watch drama- heart of greed

草根富豪 富而不驕

上環文咸西街「唐記海味舖」在業界享負盛名,由一間小小老舖,發展成坐擁六億資產及物業之海味生意。坐擁數億身家的唐仁佳及正室凌巧,一家九口,為名副其實之草根富戶,故唐家並無豪門的冷漠疏離,反之一家和諧融洽。而主力維繫家庭溫馨的,正是唐家兩父子 - 人稱「大鮑細鮑」的唐仁佳及唐至安。三十年前,佳把安拾回來收養,安生性豁達,從未為養子身份自卑,反之全心全意幫忙打理海味舖生意,亦把唐家上下當作自己親家人,對唐家事無大小盡心盡力,對自己的身世有著感恩的心。佳亦一直視安如己出,父子二人感情深厚。安「遺傳」了佳的個性,兩父子目標一致:努力令唐家齊齊整整,落力以歡樂感染全家。佳性格和稀泥,家中各事望以和為貴,大事化小,一直致力建立一個既窩心又貼心之家。然佳身邊一個不容忽視的女人 - 王秀琴,卻為唐家埋下不少暗湧。琴為佳有實無名的妾侍,而佳之正室巧,持家有道,以理服人,深受唐家上下尊敬,唐家大小事項均以巧為最終「裁決人」;琴表面對巧恭敬順從,與巧情如親姊妹,內心卻對巧怨恨。佳性格隨遇而安,對海味舖之生意不太著緊。而巧多年來與癌病抗爭,先後誕下兒子至逸及女兒至欣,一邊忙於照顧子女,一邊又為養病而奔波,海味舖之生意全交由親妹凌莉打理。莉多年前曾遇感情騙子,落得人財兩空,從此不再相信男人,只寄情工作,為海味舖出心出力,唐家由一間小舖發展成今日六億身家,全歸功於莉一人。但莉心中從無對唐家財產虎視眈眈,小心眼的琴卻一直認為莉有心分一杯羹,兩個女人面和心不和,經常勾心鬥角。

四角關係 糾纏不清

安偶然機會下認識欣的金蘭姊妹常在心及水明霞。心本是法律糸高材生,以當律師為夢想,上進勤奮。然心有一經常惹事生非之兄長常在德,把心當成人肉提款機,但心重視兄妹之情,一次又一次為德解難,加上心老父病重,心在重重壓力下被迫輟學。然並未放棄夢想,以半工讀方法繼續向夢想進發。一次德又欠下鉅款要心幫忙,心硬著頭皮向安借錢解困,卻因一場誤會,心以為安抹黑自己,認定安品格低劣。幾番努力,安終消除心之誤會,二人言好,安更介紹心到鮑魚舖工作。二人朝夕相對,安漸愛上心。然心卻背負著一段放不低的感情,牽掛著一個想愛不能愛的人 - 程亮。亮為才華洋溢之律師,與心有過刻骨銘心的一段情。亮雖深愛心,無奈天性多情,最愛心卻不能只愛心一人,心忍痛與亮分手。心對亮放不低,二人糾纏不清,幾離幾合,心仍未能對亮忘情。安只有默默守候心,在心失落時陪伴在側,又常逗心歡喜。另一方面,大情大性的水明霞,任職空姐,為時下典型之天生戀愛狂,卻屢遇人不淑,感情路上跌跌蕩蕩。尤幸天性樂 觀,總能極速治癒情傷。後來卻暗戀上亮,與心的姐妹關係遂起變數。

沉迷孽緣 雞犬不寧


唐家鉅變 風起雲湧




性格:沒有遠大的抱負,但為人樂天知命,自認是幸福的男人,在家享盡齊人之福,有大小老婆照顧,在外的事業則有姨仔莉為他打理得井井有條,甚麼都不用他操心。性格優柔寡斷,時常拿不定主意,貪玩好威是其性格的缺點,但對家庭的觀念極為重視,對兒女的希望亦已寫於他們的名字上 - “安,逸,歡,欣”,對佳而言,沒有任何事情比快樂更為重要。







姓名:王秀琴a.k.a Frances﹙關菊英飾﹚﹙女﹚年齡:約52歲


姓名:唐至安a.k.a Quite OK,Sexy Onn, Prince of Abalone﹙陳豪飾﹚﹙男﹚年齡:約30歲


姓名:唐至逸 Christian name call Gilbert﹙黃宗澤飾﹚﹙男﹚年齡:約26歲






姓名:卓文麗,Christian Name Jackie﹙楊怡飾﹚﹙女﹚年齡:約26歲






姓名:程亮,Christian Name call Alfred﹙林峰飾﹚﹙男﹚年齡:約27歲


todae quite ordinary.. juz met geraldine for the first time.. lol.. she ar.. quite k lor.. veri quiet type de lor.. haha.. lol.. den we met at tp which is her sch.. lol.. before i reach tp.. she was at engine sch first canteen, cos i call her where was her ma.. lol.. haha.. den i buy a ice tea for myself to drink.. after met her n her 3 kaypo friend.. we head towards the extraordinary the highest level of the whole singapore poly.. the library!!!!.. lol.. den she teached me abt 3 hrs i thk?.. lol.. haha.. ya juz my whole dae lor.. now gt time to post my entry.. lol.. hehe.. cos juz now watched episode 7 of bar bender n episode 1 of first season of hana yori dango

Comment about my new drama-hana yori dango

Tsukushi is a new student at Eitoku Gakuen - an exclusive school attended by rich families' children. Being poor, she is always bullied and sabotaged by her schoolmates. Things become worse when she crosses the path of F4 (a group comprises of the 4 richest guys). And along the way, she makes friend with Rui, a person who has helped her often, and falls in love with him. Shortly after, her head rival, Tsukasa, also reveals that he likes her. This turn-around situation puts Tsukushi in a very difficult position as she doesn't know what to do.The series is based on the Japanese shoujo manga "Hana Yori Dango" (Boys Before Flowers) by Kamio Yoko.

Inoue Mao as Makino Tsukushi
Matsumoto Jun as Doumyouji Tsukasa
Oguri Shun as Hanazawa Rui
Matsuda Shota as Nishikado Soujiroh
Abe Tsuyoshi as Mimasaka Akira
Sato Megumi as Sanjou Sakurako
Nishihara Aki as Matsuoka Yuki
Seto Saki as Asai Yuriko
Fukada Aki as Ayuhara Erika
Matsuoka Emiko as Yamano Minako
Sada Mayumi as Toudou Shizuka
Kato Takako as Sengoku Sachiyo
Kobayashi Susumu as Makino Haruo (father of Tsukushi)
Tomiura Satoshi as Makino Susumu (brother of Tsukushi)
Ishino Mako as Makino Chieko (mother of Tsukushi)
Matsushima Nanako as Domyoji Tsubaki (sister of Tsukasa)
David Ito as Nishida
Oshinari Shugo as Nakatsuka
Sakai Ayana as Kurimaki Ayano

Main Theme: Wish by Arashi
End Theme: Planetarium by Ai Otsuka

For More Information about this show.. please visit http://wiki.d-addicts.com/Hana_Yori_Dango


Friday 29 June 2007

todae i finally finished the whole set of drama which i metioned it earlier.. guess which show i currently crazy followed?.. thk those ppl who noe me.. knew which show it is.. lol.. answer is heart of greed.. yesterdae i post abt episode 31 comment however after i post it.. i continue watchin till juz finished it.. i witness about the up n down of the tong's family.. when e dae i begun episode 1.. tryin to figure out what the reason behind a show's finale can equals to ah wang(tradition drama).. in the finale of the show

however when i saw it.. i couldnt stop watchin the show till it finale.. though in the middle of the pursuit of the show.. i did stop a few days.. but i managed to finish the show..

tvb show us that it viewership of heart of greed is 46 points which means that on that particular night.. abt 3.8 million of people who live in hongkong.. saw it finale.. whom i thk quite gd rite.. lol.. haha according wikipedia it gained 0.2 within the final minutes of its finale.. juz 0.4 point behind tvb's highest rated air drama.. which turns out to be da chang jin.. which not bad rite.. lol.. haha.. currently it the highest rating in tvb show 2007... though everithing is not finalise.. cos tvb goin to show a show which has the greatest cast.. whom it include..(lin feng, joe ma, jessica, miao qiao wei, liu song ren).. hope heart of greed will stay as the most highest rated drama in this yr.. lol.. hehe

On the other side.. i tot the finale will let francs wong siu kum aka xiu kai will get tong yang gui's half of it wealth, to my astonished.. francs gave up her rights.. which i thk not tt bad rite.. lol.. hehe.. on top of that i oso saw one of the couple.. whom i thk shld realli get together if lin feng is not there.. k i shouldnt pose ani delay on it.. lol.. k i should accounce the couple is mr quite ok n our chang zai xin.. lol.. there a chinese sae.. you qing ren zhong chen juan shu.. i couldnt find this pharse is most suitable to describe them.. lol..

there's a rumour sae that heart of greed will be havin the second part which allege to show it in the year 2009.. i couldnt waiting for the show.. lol.. haha.. lol.. k.. overall the scriptwriter balance it details of the tong's family n the square relationship between alfred who is lin feng, chang zai xin who is linda chung, shui mak mak who is meng jia hui n last but not list.. is our mr quite ok who role is act by chen hao, n hw xiu kai in order to have tong yang gui's wealth n havoc in the tong's family.

this show is oso let us have a reflection on hw modern family will turn into enemies in an overnight due to the temptation of money.. lol.. it oso allow us to have a second tot on is there ani existence on a word call harmony on the modern family?.. lol.. can anibody can resist the temptation of the money.. n stay united as a one family?.. lol.. tis issue will typical on tis society today.. lol.. haha.. k la.. thk veri long le.. haha.. k la.. i need to go slp le.. haha.. stop here.. xiao xiao xi.. i love u wor

Thursday 28 June 2007

comment abt heart of greed episode 31

tis episode is abt the turning point of relationship between lin feng and zhong jia xin.. before this episode they alreadi have break up, this episode is hw they manage a patch up.. hw on earth it is.. zhong jia xin began to like our mr quite k.. due to lin feng's mum death.. e situation seems go in favour of lin feng.. lol.. i nv c hw mr quite k nv failed to humour zhong jia xin up.. whenever she's in problem, he always will help her to tide over e crises she faced.. on the contrary, zhong jia xin always have her heart on lin feng.. tt freakin flirt guy.. in the show.. if lin feng mum didnt die in an accident?.. will everithin turns around n goin in favour of our mr quite k?.. i suppose it will be.. lol

On the other side.. francis aka xiao kai pronouce in canto.. always have eyes on tang's family wealth.. she n zhong jia xin's brother.. always tryin to plot on tong yang kai's wealth.. but tis episode it didnt mention em much as it juz showed francis pregnancy news(show it on episode 30) was actually a prank.. In the truth francis doesnt pregnant with ani child yet.. it juz a plot between zhong jia xin's brother n her.. in order to let tong yang kai marry her faster and let her have the title of tong yan kai's wife so she could have e alimony for 3 million of his wealth.. hw evil she is rite.. but serve her rite.. episode 40 she cheated by linda's brother.. lol.. hw enjoyed it is when i saw this moment.. dun get misunderstand.. i juz watched some preview on tvb's website on hw the plot go.. at everi episode.. hehe.. lol

todae juz watched finished heart of greed episode 31.. not too bad rite.. nine to go.. hopefully i can finish it by nxt week?.. maybe?.. lol.. who noes.. maybe tml i juz finish it?.. haha.. lol.. oh ya.. todae juz reached marine parade for mr danker's hse abt 19:30.. late hor.. tution starts at 19:00 n yet i reached there 19:30.. disaster.. lol.. haha.. thk if 18:00 i leave the hse.. i shld take mrt instead of bus 196.. realli crowded n it seems to stop at everi stop.. it quite annoying.. when i saw the times tickle.. i realli gettin more sian n sian.. lol.. haha.. lol.. den i sms jamie those crap.. lol.. she always sae i bully her.. the matter of fact she bully me instead of i bully her.. lol.. haha.. den reach hme at abt 10.00.. i guess it quite late.. lol... den on the way back.. i was throughly go through chapter 5 of harry potter.. cos nv highlight those words which i dun understand.. lol.. haha.. den the journey is like bumpy n rocky.. it look like going to puke.. but luckily i nv.. if i did.. hw awkward it is.. lol.. haha.. a frog vomit in the bus?.. lol.. hw disaster it will be.. lol.. hehe.. thk gonna stop here.. or else.. xiao xi complained i write compo again.. btw i wish to tell xiao xi hor.. i love her!!!.. lol

Wednesday 27 June 2007

todae juz finished watched the unfinished episode 6 of change of destiny.. not bad tis drama.. juz that i'm lazy that y it stopped half way.. lol.. haha.. it by a steve ma n chen hao min.. lol.. tis drama is tok abt a picture which can decide e fate of a country, for example the beginning of qing dynasty and the fall of qing dynasty.. it accurately to tell it.. a myth said that if a person have the full set of the picture.. e person who beholds it could change the fate of the country and can even be the country's ruler.. kinda like the show in my date wif a vampire 3.. that tian, di, ren shu together to change it fate of the human being.. kinda interesting.. juz that their difference is the vampire show is abt vampire n love n it a modern drama.. on the other hand, change of destiny is happend in the ming dynasty if i'm not wrong.. haha.. lol.. k i'm going to end here.. lol.. btw todae juz finished my chapter 4 of harry potter.. haha.. lol.. hehe will work hard for it.. lol.. in addition to that juz finished 3 episode of bar bander n 1 episode of heart of greed.. i sort le.. haha

Tuesday 26 June 2007

haha.. todae juz bought a new book call harry potter.. it cost me abt 18 dollar.. lol.. quite a hefty sum for me ba.. haha.. lol.. hehe.. the book title is philosphers stone.. thk is the very first book who wrote by jk.. lol.. jk u rocks u noe.. lol.. u create a craze for the reader.. lol.. n u indirectly pave a way for us.. those reader who realli have e intention to brush up their english.. lol.. haha.. thk i being more boot-licking den give compliment ba.. haha.. now listened to every little thing song.. in my blog quite meaningful.. though i doesnt noe wat they mean.. however as times goes by.. i can be verge to tears.. have no idea what the reason behind me.. thk veri sad de ba.. lol.. haha

Moments ago, i msg my jie.. gorilla jie jie.. i oso dun noe y i msg her.. As usual she nv reply me at all.. haha.. feel i zhuo ren quite in a mess.. everithing is in a mess.. lol.. i dun even noe hw to tidy it up.. thk realli muz figure it out ba.. when i have problems.. i will used to confide wif her.. now, i cant find a jie whom we share quite a same identical hobbies ba n noe each other well.. lol.. hw derisive it is.. if time can revert it back.. i wished to revert back to two yrs ago.. where i could help to change e finale of my life.. maybe wont have ruth in my life.. nvm.. wat past is alreadi past le.. muz look forward to it rite.. haha.. maybe my fate is like tt.. ren ming le.. haha.. i yen to become ma da long.. he can change his fate.. on the contrary.. will i be able to?.. lol.. haha.. somebody make such a comment that ren ding sheng tian.. wo you zhe ge neng nai ba.. hai i have gd friendship wif somebody wont last long de.. eventually they will go n forget wat i am de.. so that e reason y i put my title lonely kapo.. that e reason.. stupid rite.. haha.. lol.. yi shi zi zhi.. wahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Monday 25 June 2007

Comment on Heart oF Greed Episode 27 & 28

juz finishd the episode twenty-seven n twenty-eight.. it quite saddening.. when i saw Ling Hao,one of the most influential figure in the tong's family die peacefully.. i felt it realli grievied me.. noe y?.. i missed her hw she ticked off Tong Yan Kai's second wife Frances Wong Sau Kam, a person who always tried to discord the family n tried to have a share in her hubsand's wealth. She could able to see the situation clearly and wont always let Frances to get her evil plot to succed.. When she gone to the heaven, there will be another discord in the Tong's family again.. sighed.. Before she went to the heaven.. she managed to salvage a broken marriage between Gilbert Tong Chi Yat and Jackie Cheuk Man Lai.. Which i Felt her role in the tong's family are realli influential.. While she managed to the broken marriage between gilbert n jackie.. The Tong's family trying to humour her numbered days in this world.. How touching it be.. i couldnt sense ani of disharmony in the family which will happen in the nxt coming episode when frances managed her ways into the family for the second time.. Moreover i also felt that is there any harmony in the world like the tong's family.. i doubt so.. k.. i'm going end at here.. lol.. hopefully i wont have grammatical mistake in tis post.. hehe

Sunday 24 June 2007

wow.. all shoot me.. lol.. thk i gt alot of life.. oso cant tahan so mani ppl suan wor.. haha.. lol.. haha.. todae wake up abt 9.40 c some doraemon.. haha.. lol. nice show.. lol.. haha the dream i had quite scary wor.. lol.. haha.. can rmb parts onli.. haha.. lol.. er i received her sms.. n sae to me.. wat tricks r u trying to play?.. when i saw this msg.. i realli doesnt noe wat can i reply though i dun have ani intention to do ath.. juz sae hi to her.. consider it wrong?.. lol.. juz had tis quite unpleasant dream i wake up liao.. haha.. lol.. after saw doaremon.. saw channel 55 for some encore show on weekdays abt an agency family.. dispute n hw they handle to it.. it quite ecstatic to watch it.. lol.. haha.. den online abt 12 sth.. den went to slp again.. haha.. not enuff slp.. i thk.. lol.. havin headache.. lol.. hehe.. thk stop here le.. lol.. wahahaha

Saturday 23 June 2007

it going to 3a.m n yet i still here.. so decided to blog tis.. lol.. haha.. i was so worried abt my maths.. could i pass o's tis yr?.. haha.. dun even thk so.. hope tis coming tuesdae.. when geraldine teach mi maths.. hope i can concenrate for it.. goin to work real hard on both sub which is eng n maths.. Polar told mi that.. English in O level muz be in 3-d form.. i kinda understand of wat he said.. haha.. polar hope u could help mi ba.. haha counting on u and oso u.. geraldine.. my maths are realli weak.. which can make u vomit ur blood for umpteen times.. hope u wont mind.. haha.. lol.. haha.. 29/10 is my two important paper.. hope i can do real well.. On The Contary i still slack it here.. n play my stupid mario forever games.. haha.. will i make it?.. hopefully i could do it.. realli.. lol.. haha.. Geraldine n Polar wor.. if u can help mi to improve my o's grade.. i'm willing to be ur servant for the rest of my life.. haha.. lol.. sounds exaggerate?.. lol.. thk so.. going to study for HARD!!!!.. NO MORE MARIO GAMES ANIMORE!!!.. I MEAN IT.. HAHA.. LOL that all for todae.. maybe i will on my com.. expect blog n c heart of greed.. left 14 episode.. haha.. it going to be realli interesting.. hehe.. oh ya.. todae ah ling msg mi on the tourism project.. lol.. she claimed that y i shouldnt i take the initiative to msg her.. abt my role in the project.. i was quite wordless when i saw her msg.. haha.. lol.. haha.. den spent abt two hrs to search for the air fares going to bali.. ask viagra.. viagra comment that he wouldnt care less.. den michelle.. gave mi some useful link.. lol.. which i find.. not tt bad.. haha.. oh ya.. i came across some air-ticket in the net.. which have doubts on the issuse.. i could not believe that even a malaysian airline would sold their ticket for a round trip to bai would be abt 1.4k.. the price of money are enuff for me to get a brand new diy com in sim lim.. maybe even better.. haha.. juz an airticket to bali cost abt 1.4k.. omg!!!.. i couldnt believe it.. izzit some black magic in my eyes.. or izzit some hackers hack their website.. In addition the 1.4k round trip ticket is without adding of taxes and surcharge.. if adding together.. i thk it could be somewhere near 1.5k maybe.. haha.. lol.. if somebody buy those ticket on the website.. the person will be the most fooliest ppl.. which i have seen in this world.. lol.. haha.. in the afternoon.. i went to c mei ting's blog.. den an entry regarding me.. haha.. the drawing veri cute.. kinda love it.. thumbs up for her.. haha.. however it makes mi quite crestfallen.. when i couldnt c her online n crap wif her.. izzit she avoiding me?.. or her laptop realli need to go for a&e to have some repair?.. haha this remain to be unknown.. as i couldnt c her online.. so she couldnt answer my question.. aniwae shld it end here.. if not somebody would sae.. i'm going to write another compo again.. haha

Thursday 21 June 2007

things happen abt todae 20/6/07

haha.. juz watch finish ep twenty-one of heart of greed.. wow realli nice.. juz now went to c the preview of ep.. which happen later till ep fourty.. one word to describe it.. marvellous.. haha.. hope gt second part of heart of greed.. saw that er nai realli wanna smack her.. in her mind always full of how to get Tong Yan Gai's wealth.. full of those tricks.. da qi die of cancer in the later part of e drama.. makes e drama even more unexpected.. n it quite thrill!!!.. cheers for it!!!.. haha.. juz now goes polar's condo to teach mi oral.. haha.. all of my errors were being exposed.. haha.. veri awkard.. haha.. but if the mistake spot now.. is always better den spotting later.. lol.. haha.. den he drill mi for oral abt three hours?.. i dun noe.. but it simply quite dull.. haha.. hope tml wont need to drill so much ba.. haha.. i wonder hw can i improve my english frm a c6 to a b3.. izzit possible?... haha.. thk can ba.. lol.. oso dun noe.. lol.. haha.. continue watching my drama.. cheers!!!.. ep 22 wo lai le!!!!

Wednesday 20 June 2007

haha dun noe wat to sae

haha.. somebody flood my chatbox.. n i found that it is xiaoxi.. haha.. i can understand her feelin.. as i in my sec sch.. boycotted by my classmates.. haha.. so it kinda a reflection of mi.. haha.. xiaoxi dun cry lor.. still gt kapo ma.. haha.. lol kapo wif u de wor.. haha wow mushy wor.. haha.. lol den juz now widi call mi.. haha.. ask mi my address, postal code, NRIC thosse sort of things.. den i found that it used for emergency contact.. haha.. it freak mi out.. tot he wan to use my personal particulars for borrowing money frm loansharks.. haha... kinda miss him.. gay rite.. lol.. haha.. maybe we known it for 7 yrs le.. that e reason.. y i miss him so much.. haha

Tuesday 19 June 2007

general thing abt 19/6/07

haha.. lol.. c that two siao de flood my chatbox.. haha.. nth to comment.. juz feel tt quite bo liao wor.. haha.. but i like tis leh.. haha.. watched heart of greed till ep 19.. haha.. seems slow e progress.. tryin to finish it by 2 ep a dae lor.. haha.. hope can do it.. lol.. haha.. yeah yesterdae went to jurong west library wif lester they all.. do english compo " like father like son" saw bangala see straits time n e other banagala read reader digest.. haha.. lol i feel quite inferior de.. haha.. sian wor.. haha.. nth to write so end off here.. haha

Monday 18 June 2007

general thing abt todae 17/6/07

haha.. tis is going to be second dae of my holi.. kinda nth to do.. haha.. kinda bored.. so juz repeat those drama.. which i had watched it before.. tis include Great Teacher Onizuka.. Last time i was kinda besotted on those japanese dramas like Gto(abbreviation of Great Teacher Onizuka), Long Vacation, Over Time, Beach Boys and etc.. Those were e drama which grow up with mi.. Actors like Takuya Kimura, Nanako Matsushima, Hideaki Takizawa which were popular on my days.. haha.. i'm sounds quite vintage ba.. lol.. who cares!!!.. as long i like it.. haha.. however due to the craze of the korean show.. japanese show have become not popular comapre to korean show.. which is quite a disheartened for mi but not all japanese drama which seems quite downfall.. example recently likes series of Hana Yori Dongo and The Grand Tribe which is quite popular which i heard it before.. keep it up.. Japanese Drama let my inner body's fire rekindled.. haha

Sunday 17 June 2007

bad or gd?.. haha.. dun noe

haha.. yesterdae juz received my entry proof.. which i thk alot of private candidate did.. lol.. haha.. omg my oral falls on 23 aug.. heng.. nv ani stuff on that dae.. but sian la.. dio last yr's sch again.. intentionally or not.. i have no idea.. i juz need to go obey it.. haha.. lol.. hope i can reduce the grade.. seems too big le.. haha.. my holi like no holi like tt... cos polar need to teach mi english.. for 6 daes a week till o level.. haha thk he realli can help mi.. but 90 a week for his standard?.. maybe too ex le ba.. i have bills to settle n i wish to set aside some savings.. haha.. hai.. these few weeks doesnt have e motivation let mi save.. when i wan to save.. goes a cash desposit machine.. in e end.. it spoilt.. sad lor.. haha.. appraently i believe that i dun have fate.. haha.. sad lor.. thk i cant pay the bill liao.. cos i share wif my bro de.. for mol.. haha.. despair.. haha was thking of hw to cut 4.50 per hr for tuition?.. maybe k?.. have no idea.. haha.. juz watch finished a show which i watched yrs ago.. haha.. it call gto.. kinda nice.. when i watched it for the third times i thk.. haha.. lol.. but it realli nice.. when takeshi sorimachi trying to bring e unity of his form class.. n takeshi sorimachi n nanako matsushima due to tis show.. they marry n born a gal.. if i nv rmbered it wrongly.. haha.. nice wor.. xiao xi ar.. u help mi do tis until half work done realli wan to smack ur buttock hor.. haha.. sounds pervert.. haha.. lol.. but it true.. she nv finish her work.. haha.. lol.. ends here le ba.. goin veri late le.. haha

Saturday 16 June 2007

general things abt two days ago

haha rmb two daes ago.. was my ca.. had been mention it earlier in the post i posted on tis blog.. haha.. rmbered tt after called guan ting.. whether wanna study for aa1 retake for him.. first time for mi.. haha.. due to misunderstanding of msg.. we seprated.. lol.. hw ironic it is.. haha.. so i went to cafeteria 1 study alone.. haha.. i saw her the fifith times in sch.. haha.. those memories wif her.. juz came back.. all in a second.. two yrs gone.. izzit lucky or not?.. e person which i wish to contact same sch wif me.. haha.. ppl may sae that who would wan to go to ite.. if they can make it to poly?.. haha.. so is unlucky for her.. i realli wan to sae hi to her.. apparently i doesnt have the courage.. it juz like e drama where.. the female n male actor.. goin on e opposite side.. but somehw cant seems to have contact.. she's on e opposite way which i go.. haha i doesnt noe hw to sae wor.. fated to be?.. haha.. so i went to a place which is unoccupied.. i sat down n take out my things for revision.. haha.. so i juz practise a question abt goodwill.. open those sorts of a.c like journal.. do it abt 40 mins.. so i went to theatre hall.. my ca ms choo saw mi n sae.. kapo ar u finally come for lecture.. haha.. hw surprise it is.. haha.. i didnt sae ath to reply her.. maybe i thk it is scornful?.. haha i dun even noe.. haha.. den after doin e test.. lol.. guan ting waited outside for mi.. so after that we goes for our lunch at a shop which located in e campus.. haha.. which selled those malay food.. but it was managed by two chinese middle age ladies.. haha.. after we ordered our food.. we sat it down n enjoyed it.
When we going to finish the food, andeline(hello kitty), azure(snake) n zhe wei(lao uncle).. walked into the shop.. n saw us.. so they ask us.. do we mind them sat together for a meal.. haha.. so i replied.. ya sure.. haha.. after orderin their food.. we were chit-chatting.. haha.. miss e day.. when it in yr 1.. used to hang around wif em.. due to i mia too much in sch.. we sepreated.. but tt dae was simply a dae.. we coincidentally met together.. haha.. den zhe wei give those lame question.. which i realli enjoyed it.. it realli cold to e point.. haha.. if tom n ryan they all not there.. were we have e chance again?.. maybe wont.. haha.. so abt 1.40 pm.. we goes to before next n last lesson in before holi.. tourism.. haha.. however guan ting, snake n polar never finished their project.. so i accompanied them.. to mlc which located at the second floor.. haha.. so we parted lao uncle n tt si cat.. haha.. after we parted uncle they all.. we went to library find polar.. he was sitting there as if some pathetic old man.. who wants to receive pension frm god of kapo.. haha.. maybe i will consider it.. if he applied it to mi.. haha so after we feteched polar.. we went to mlc.. haha.. i nv go to hari's class.. later if c him.. realli dio nag again.. lol i n him quite fated wan.. maybe we consider to have some marriage weddin.. which will be e luxury n grand in sch of business i thk.

Haha.. so i accompany them to mlc.. so we booked two com in mlc.. one is mine.. then they using one com the other.. so i went to crunchyroll n searchin for some sexy movie in order to let polar see.. haha.. maybe i a way that evil ba.. haha.. tryin to contaminate his mind.. but c his face dun look like leh.. haha den i oso went to utube n tudou to c some shows.. n continue to watch e drama.. it is so lag in sch.. thk alot of student access the internet at the same time.. thk the main reason ba.. haha den i let guan ting n polar watch thk abt yrs ago video abt qi tian da sheng.. there were a two couple.. trying to c a songs... which somehow pronouce the same as some hokkien vulgarities.. haha.. tis was my third time saw this video.. li yan give mi once.. den went to widi's hse.. saw another time.. lol.. haha.. nice video.. it doesnt bored mi.. no matter hw mani times i saw.. it doesnt get mi bored.. haha.. so we hang at mlc abt more den an hour.. so polar they all decided to go back to class.. n give that "morning annine".. their progressed abt what they did.. for their tourism project.. so i tagged along lor.. haha.. while on e way to e class.. haha.. we saw hari again.. omg!!!!.. lol.. haha.. he was askin us.. whether that "morning annine" in the class a not.. haha.. den snake replied sae yea.. it on the room which besides it.. where hari was seeing.. haha.. when we entered the room.. "morning annine" satting down n made some comment abt the progress abt hello kitty's tourism project.. haha.. out of my surprise.. she didnt noticed at all.. tot she will always give those suaness to mi.. haha.. maybe she's too busy.. haha.. so we sat down quietly without making ani sounds.. haha.. den hari suddenly notice mi.. n sae y u doesnt come to my class again.. haha so i replied.. i tend to go.. however u finish ur class.. lol.. haha.. he seems to have sae nth.. haha
After the class.. we went down together wif cat they all.. haha.. so in e lift.. though we didnt sae ath.. but i realli truly enjoyed it.. haha.. maybe i will make e effort comin to sch more often.. haha.. but that will be three weeks later.. haha.. after polar parted us.. so sad.. here goes my other gay partner.. lol.. haha.. my dear.. lol.. haha den cat n snake were holding hands to go toilet.. so kapo, guan ting n zhek.. went to the bus stop which opposite the sch.. waiting for em.. to come.. while we waiting for them.. guan ting n i were tryin to break the barrier btw zhek n us.. haha.. so we waited abt ten mins.. that so called hello kitty's fan were walkin gracefully to us.. haha.. like ah ma sia.. haha abt five mins the bus came.. we board the bus n sitting at the back of the ground floor.. as it was a double-deck bus.. haha.. suddenly guan ting suggested to sing kbox on a dae.. den cat sae it on tues.. haha hopefully they wont back out ba.. haha.. lol
after realli apart wif them.. guan ting n i went to marina square for some window shoppin.. twenty mins past, we went to marina square's third floor where the food court is located.. we find a place den sat down.. after tokin a while.. i went to buy drinks.. i tends to get anithing n watever.. nv try it before.. but luck wasnt on my side.. i couldnt get ani of them.. so i choose budget drinks.. the ice tea which make by lipton.. haha.. i treat guan ting the drinks as i promise him earlier on.. haha den after buying the drinks.. i chat wif guan ting.. our topic is vary frm yvonne's things to our future.. we sat there abt an hr.. after that i decided wan to find widi.. as that dae it was the last dae that widi goes for fulfuilling his ns obligation.. lol.. haha.. i asked guan ting whether does he wan to tag along.. as i tends to wanna celebrate wif him.. but doesnt noe hw to.. so we walk around great world.. lol.. haha.. abt thirthy mins.. guan ting need to make a move first.. as he wan to go find mark.. haha.. den i n widi.. go widi's hse there to play some dai dee.. i tried to call viagra out.. but pity he cant go out.. so we juz sat a void deck.. at block ninety-one.. den widi was worried abt his ns dae.. haha.. wat will he turned to be?.. maybe more effminate?.. maybe more musclar.. who noes?.. haha.. so i be a listener to listen his worries while we play dai dee.. we played till 9p.m den widi sae wanna go home to pack his unfinished packing.. we parted off.. i realli hope that he can survive there.. haha... so i went back to home.. haha

Friday 15 June 2007

hai.. doesnt noe wat i doin recently

haha.. i does not noe wat i have done recently.. long time never come to blog.. haha.. maybe concenrate on sch work too much.. yesterdae havin a ca abt partnership n computation of goodwill.. haha.. managed to finish it on time.. however i cant balance it n forget to record another transcation in other question.. hw devastating it was.. omg!!!.. lol.. haha.. recently saw a news that starhub goin to raise it price again.. hai.. another things goin to hike it price again.. first is gst follow up by nets.. now starhub quite coincidence leh.. another two percent up izzit so scary that everibody need to raise it own price?.. hai.. realli hate government.. y should we suffer.. gov r rich n yet keep imposing this n that to it ppl.. if income increase, it post this things i wont have ani objection.. income doesnt increase n yet post this so call gd for e ppl to us.. eg gst increase.. izzit consider gd thing to us?.. haha.. maybe i post this blog.. maybe ppl will i get arrested.. however i dun care!!!

Monday 11 June 2007


第十一集讲述的是在心怎么样跟林峰饰演的程亮在便利商店和他相遇。或许这是所为的一贯桥段。男主角为了某某事跟女主角相遇。为了帮得得地买喉糖才会跟程亮相遇,真的有所谓的讽刺意义。看的出我们的得得地先生喜欢在心,如果不喜欢她的话,他也不会有空的时候去看在心的博客和到处去找在心在博客描述那个款式古老又就的卡带了 ,可是他却不知道在在心的心目中只有程亮。天啊,难道喜欢一个人需要鬼鬼祟祟的吗?应该是剧情还没有到高潮,会让我们这些观众看的心痒痒。另一厢看到唐家和和气气的,这让人未免想到在金钱主义挂帅的这个年代谁会像唐家的人围在一起吃吃饭,有说有笑?还有大契主动跟得得地和好如初,真的是让我对她有更深入的了解。虽然不怎么赞同得得地的做法,可是她那一中气魄和胸襟真的让人有所不及。真的不愧是位老戏骨,越来越喜欢她这个角。 还有陈法拉饰演的唐至欣在她的英文口试的题目和她怎么样应付那个题目,来读出给唐家各各人听。我看了有点忍不主的流下我的青蛙泪,好感人哦!

jubilant dae?.. doleful dae?.. maybe later

todae first part of the dae.. quite meaningful.. noe a newly friend call geraldine de.. i n her can crack joke around n oso she ar.. can c her quite hardworkin de wor.. hardworkin on drama.. lol.. maybe is holi.. tt y ba.. hehe. Then e second part of dae quite diao de.. juz saw a friend which i keen to ask wat happen between e past 2 daes? in msn.. lol.. haha when i saw her, she immediately offline, den online again.. when i take e initative to chat wif her.. she offline again.. 白明不想看到我lor.. hai.. juz imagine a person which i n her quite close.. in e end it oso land e same consequences of what i had last time. Hai wat can i do wor?. Thk should heed weidi's advice to be myself. That all wat can i do now.. hehe.. hope she wont do tt to mi ba.. gd friend.. hehe

Welcome Wor.. Feel free to look here

A kapo who always want to be succesful in life.. haha