
Sunday 28 September 2008

another day had passed, everything its happened slow. haha. feel like giving up for what i do lor. haha. feeling very sian. maybe affected by kelvin le ba. haha. really ba?? i dont know lor. next week will posted to roadshow. haha. cant see my shi fu, august for the whole week.

tml gonna see my sales rep, benny. haha. sian. just now i think i too much of him le ba. haha. very ridiculous sia, dont have stock for that model but still yet put under promo. zzzzzzzzz. what on earth is that for canon's promo?? lol. and most of the product dont even have a product code on it. sian. sales fly. haha. bye bye. arigato
today, my com is back. haha. hmmm when i looked back at the picture we had. it was just what we call 'history' that cannot be revert back to its origin. haha. maybe i do ponder about the things which happened 4 mths ago. haha. whenever i took a cab to a certain point where i alight, i will always request the uncle to make it a detour for me just to hope that i could managed to catch a glimpse of u.

however there's always an ending to it, haha. u should know what ending i'm referring to. haha. two weeks ago, when i was having a buffet with my collegues. haha. i look the entrance that towards somewhere around a place that my first and only. it was what we call history. haha. hope u are fine in somewhere part of this world. haha.

take care ba.

Saturday 27 September 2008

oh yeah. i'm back. haha. hmmm what should i blog?? also nothing ba. haha. bought a laptop cost me around 1.9k. haha. think very ex. haha. but bo bian since i need it. haha. hmmm now i dont think i have any wishlist le ba. haha

hmmm all the wishlist i have wish for are almost done. for example. crumpler bag, noise isolation earpiece, a brand new laptop, psp. haha. maybe the next one i'm going to aim is to get a eos ba. haha. or d series ba. haha. but things are not going smoothly in my way de. haha.

take care dude. haha.

Sunday 7 September 2008

happened quite alot in these three months. haha. particpated in comex and it show. haha. now i understand why canon is so popular. LOL. started to think 'wo shuo jian chi shi dui de ma?' haha.

thinking of whether accepting lenovo offer? even though acer and hp is the most recognised brand in the market. haha. oh yeah. i almost know quite alot of things via comex. lol. take care my friend.

jiang jin bu jian qing, jiang qing bu jian jin. haha. thats what a friend of mine told me and yet she already dont really know who am i. haha. nvm lor. its life anyway.


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A kapo who always want to be succesful in life.. haha