
Monday 3 March 2008

blog of the day. hmmm continue of yesterday's thing. received there's an event from the church 'fisherman' regarding about this coming saturday.

there's an outing at bedok reservior at 10 a.m. if i'm not wrong. well, i think there's alot of high risk involved. hmmm on top of that, there's an addition of 20 dollars to pay in order to have the participation.

from the point of my view, i think its fun but i dont know will i be able to allow my parents to sign the consent form and also i have no idea will i be able to wake up at that time. so ya. hmmm today go out with guan and at orchard, we met ah ling they all. haha. so conicidence. but we never talk much. as we care to settle our own 'business'. LOL

so ya. take care lor. anyway i have something to share but dont ask me what and why. hmmm cause its my personal problem. haha. especially i dont want to let hypocrite know. so ya. take care buddy.

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A kapo who always want to be succesful in life.. haha