
Wednesday 2 April 2008

oh ya. long time never blog liao. haha. i just find that i'm addicted to mj after sunday intensive training. okay la. not intensive la. as in not too bad. haha. know more depth about how to play mj. hehe.

haha. today went back to school and i found that wow. haha. that admin block is full of people. i thought they are having the same motive as me to collect the award but when i looked closer. haha. hmmm its for another purpose. haha. i think just for the sake of paying school fees. haha. ya thats all. for the new intake.

hmmm thinking back, i was lucky during the year. haha. got ups and downs. haha. i was thinking of changing class and even went to an extent to request for changing a class which the lecturer wont bear grudges on me. but ultimately, i was rejected by ms phua. haha. telling me that i should perserve and complete the course. haha. ya lor.

thanks man. LOL. u make think alot. haha. just as what my 'dear' widi told me, dont think it sucks and forever sucks liao. sounds profound actually its not. haha. okay la. haha. dont know what to say liao. take care my friend. to the friend of mine, oi!!! dont always say me generation gap leh. haha. very sad de leh. haha. u think u very young ar. haha. LOL !#@!$!#%#@$%. LOL. haha. take care.

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A kapo who always want to be succesful in life.. haha