
Friday 18 April 2008

lol. hey its me again. haha. feel emotionally tired but i wont do anything again. haha. done alot of things but in the end, is zao zui shou. sian. haha. lol. so unfair. but nvm its life ma, i cant expect my life to be a very good one or bad one. haha. so ya lor. haha.

still pondering should i go to joycelyn's chalet. haha. cause if going is alone go even though we have know each other for 2 years since we are in the same course. haha.

but still feel kinda weird leh. haha. so ya lor. hmmm still got anything to blog?? oh ya. my friend are going to army at 16 june le. wonder when's my enlistement date. haha. hmmm think will be as further as them ba. haha. hopefully everything can be settle before my enlistement date. haha.

hmmm oh ya. thinking of visting my kl's relative and stay there for weeks. haha. hmmm should i go ma?? if i go le, what will happen to my oath taking and other things?? haha. hmmm so still consider. haha. sian. wanna go sunway praymaid leh. haha. last time i go there i saw guang liang's autograph session there. even though i only stayed there for around 10 mins but still feel contented la. haha. LOL

okay lor. thats the end of my long blog le. hehe. do look out for my new post. haha.

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A kapo who always want to be succesful in life.. haha