
Thursday 17 April 2008

think its a very boring day for me. haha. even though i have some activities occupied my day. haha. hmmm think something bothered me too much. haha. well, its inconvient for me to blog it. so if u know me in person or online using msn. do ask me. haha.

oh ya today just saw a friend call cheow fern at coffee club today. haha. hmmm think she look quite okay. haha. but i prefer her own personality. haha. quite chattable. haha. so ya lor. haha. hmmm got anything to blog ma?? nth le. haha. ya lor. haha. even i blog something, there sure be people bound to say things de. so why make it so troublesome??

right?? so take care lor. haha.

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A kapo who always want to be succesful in life.. haha