
Tuesday 29 April 2008

the second day of my friend died. ya. mood not really good. just wondered why did he need to do that. so ya. haha. hmmm just now take cab home and the uncle told me one guy actually hit an old lady and causing the old lady to suffer internal blood to death. sian.

the driver actually got what the punishment. but seriously i think the punishment is too light liao. one year imprisonment sia. sian la. i think too light liao. hit and run leh. somemore a lao ah ma leh. wa lau. like that also can ar. heaven really no eyes lor. sian!!!!!

oh ya. i think something really happens to my com. sian la. always chu stunt. ask my com go hollywood to stunt. sure will famous one. okay. i self entertaining. haha. ya. its my life. i swear i wouldnt be like my friend. even though i have thought it before.

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A kapo who always want to be succesful in life.. haha