
Sunday 13 April 2008

How far is it to hell?"

The question was asked of a police officer by one of three young men on holiday, who in a half-drunk condition were sauntering along the footpath at a popular beach.
Shocked by the ungodliness of the youth, and looking at him full in the face, the policeman replied: "Hell is at the end of a Christless life, and you may be nearer to it than you think. Prepare to meet your God."
This was more than the profane trio expected so without further comment they turned and hurried away. That night the dead body of a young man was picked up on the shore; it was that of the scoffing holidaymaker.
Years later, the Christian policeman, still on the force, was accosted by a commercial traveller on the street of that same beach resort.
"You will not remember me, but I remember you," said the gentleman as he grasped the officer's hand. "Do you remember from years ago three young fellows, one of whom asked you the impious question, 'How far is it to hell?' - and you replied, 'Hell is at the end of a Christless life?' "
"You will remember, no doubt, the sad fate of that young man. I was one of the two that accompanied him, and the words never left me, until I came as a sinner to Jesus and received Him as my Saviour. I praise His name that He took me as I was, a godless, guilty sinner and saved me by His grace. And I daily prove His sustaining and keeping power."

seems very insirping. haha. this article was from a church called fisherman christ. ya. so take care la. haha.

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A kapo who always want to be succesful in life.. haha