
Monday 21 April 2008

haha. just received a friend's tag and i know she's fine. haha. well, okay. hmmm at least wont do some stupid things to make her parents worry can le. haha. hmmm yeah. later i will be getting my brand new passport!!! yeah time to visiting my cousins and they all le. haha.

hope they welcome me ba. haha. hmmm if i never rememebered wrongly. my cousin will be taking spm this year. haha. hmmm hope he can do well and do make the "lee's" family proud. haha. hmmm hope to enjoy astro there. haha. looking forward to watching updated cantonese drama. so ya.

ya lor. haha. hmmm will be going to spend my weekend there. KL wo lai le. haha. KLCC wo ye lai le. haha. okay. done. haha. LOL. no matter what, i will be there for sure unless something halt me to do so. haha.

so take care lor. haha.

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A kapo who always want to be succesful in life.. haha