
Monday 14 January 2008

today just went to accompany my dear jia kang tan(jkt)friend, allvyn to his police interview. seriously speaking, i being tempted by the job and also its freaking near my house lor. haha. if i being posted near my house, i wouldnt spent any dime on transport fees. while accompany my friend, i saw one of my primary school classmate, ronson.

he's working in the spf now, a sergant rank. well, not too bad for an a level grad. but seriously speaking, he changed quite alot and grew much taller since i saw him in 03. not too bad. LOL.

ya thats all for what i want to write. haha. in fact, i do feel like writting a lengthy essay but i just being lazy. LOL. okay la, take care my friend.

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A kapo who always want to be succesful in life.. haha