
Monday 7 January 2008

i dont think i have anything else to say. a normal day or a better day, it turns ugly. well, kinda expected. sigh what can i do when theres a bad day for me?? do nth lor. haha. hmmmm thanks jj, for being me there. huo xu ni hui shi wo zhui zhi dao gan shou de zhi ying ba. haha. so thanks ar.

anyway i have a new blog call kaporules.wordpress.com. hmmmm i'm a newbie there and also i dont want to let ppl revel too much on me. so i choose to have a password for each of the things which i dont want to say de.

currently, its a view from me to each of every person whom i know. haha. currently, posting in progess. so do pardon me. haha. hmmmm if you ppl free. do rmb visit my friendster @ http://www.friendster.com/wangfamily. thanks.

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Welcome Wor.. Feel free to look here

A kapo who always want to be succesful in life.. haha