
Friday 18 January 2008

second blogging for the day, later going to meet my eight years friend. so happy. haha. hmmmm hope he would get a civilian license and we can go chiong together. wohoo!!!!

chat with sam just now, i dont know it so enjoyable to chat with her. haha. last time in school, we never chat at all. haha. hope the hui ting and kenny have a nice relationship. haha. i'm still thinking of why my friend, widi are so coincidentally be with one of our ex classmate for seven years. haha dear heavenly father, i do thank u for leading me a way which i have never used to be.

it may turn out to be right or maybe wrong but i do have faith in u where u wont lead me to astray and god can u bless all around my friend who are graduating soon, to lead them to a good future whether its in the gov or private sector in god's word, amen.

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Welcome Wor.. Feel free to look here

A kapo who always want to be succesful in life.. haha