
Friday 11 January 2008

just finished the few episode from drive of life. i think zhen pong has feeling with sau fung, but i really hate what myolie did sia. why she love zhen pong?? sighed!!!!

when char char cry, i broke my heart sia. haha. lol. u can say me gan qing yong shi ba. haha. it touches me, she wants to revenge on wah family but on the other hand, she still cant forget zhen pong. sian!!!!

wei she me, tian zong shi na yang de zuo nuo ta ren, haha. i really too dramatic le. haha. hmmmm sometime i feel that, wo gei le na me duo, de dao de hui bao que shi shao zhi you shao. huo xu, wo bu gai she wang she me, ren zhi hui xiao ni sha er yi. haha. hmmmm nvm lor. some people think that i'm flirt, let em think lor. i knew myself can le. haha. if they think i am, they just look it so superficialy liao. that all i can say. haha.

ya do take care lor. haha.

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A kapo who always want to be succesful in life.. haha