
Saturday 4 October 2008

recently i read a post about my friend's sister. haha. hmmm should i be touch or adopt another minset to doubt for it? for most of the people, they will think that why are u so heartless of making such a statement without having a second thought??

i would ask why? if the thing is not happen on me. the blog is about my friend's sister bf contracted a brain cancer and has 6 mths of lifespan in this world and hopefully that girl have to find her own happiness.

i find that its quite touching if u are looking on a side because imagine ur love one are on the verge of dying, would u feel the same way as the girl? i guess most of the people would ba. haha. hmmm but for me, i would adopt another mindset to see, if he really telling the truth of what he said? would there be such a coincidence of contracting a terminal disease? i may not appear what i feel, maybe people is the same ba, including myself. always looking for the outer rather than inner.
i was once told by a friend that i'm a rather easy belief people's word. maybe i should put it in a way, i only believe in half ba or not even half. haha. thats what my mindset is. hehe. take care.

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A kapo who always want to be succesful in life.. haha