
Monday 20 October 2008

do anybody believe in forever love? Or the person who hurts u and yet u still gives him or her chance? Well, i do believe in this ba. Somehow i feel that if the love is there, no matter how the person did to u. U will still think nvm la, forgive and forget is the best thing ma.

i do rmbered one person told me, guy is a fact person and girls tends to judge things by feeling. I agreed to a certain extent ba. Ya its true when girls tends to judge things by feeling but after a few time. they will ask the guy. sorry i have no times for u anymore.

haha. thats how i feel ba. haha. hmm do i have the rights to say this? haha dont think so ba. haha. aiya nvm la. my blog can blog anything i like. haha.

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A kapo who always want to be succesful in life.. haha