
Monday 6 October 2008

haha. my friend charlie come and find me. haha. omg didnt knew he would come. haha. lol. saw him on friendster. he really very crap sia. haha. LOL. haha. he also very funny, he recommend me to work in comex with canon, in the end he cant go in and i'm the one who goes in. haha.

really great have him as his friend. haha. when i knew him, he was like very blur blur de then help me to sell my product. oh yeah. haha. i still rmb once, customer looking for aio with fax in the end, i'm not the one who the customer looking for instead of him. haha. stupid sia. haha. whatmore he's wearing samsung's t-shirt. haha. this really makes me funny. haha.

miss the day, when u with hao yi. haha. lol. nice. haha. take care charlie and have a nice training at tekong hor. haha.

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A kapo who always want to be succesful in life.. haha