
Sunday 19 October 2008

haha. went back to courts. oh yeah. lol. i was like a stars. haha. no la. stay there for a long time le, know their staff there le ma. haha.

met koh today, same brand promoter. hmmm he told me kelvin would got shuffle into a bad outlet next year because he dont want to go and stay at there. hmmm i was wondering, did it really happen and if goes to a bad outlet, thats the end of the world? no ma. haha.

haha. met wei hao today at the lift, he told me bad things i was wondering what happen sia. haha. lol. and guess what samsung promoter last time bravia de told me sony going to cut com because of recession and sony have their own product lesson on how to teach u close sales. haha.

this is attractive to me, because if i mastered it, wow. is sibei sui de. haha. lol. and i love ang moh de. haha. ang moh their spending power is whoho de. haha. dont care budget de. haha. bo bian now stay lor and see hp got any full time job for me ba. haha. LOL

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A kapo who always want to be succesful in life.. haha