
Sunday 12 October 2008

haha. today quite a good thing ba. got to met my form teacher last time in sec sch de. haha. nice de leh. haha. she still rmb me and i rmb her either. haha.

she was with her husband. haha. mrs ng. haha. a nice teacher, i dont even know my class is the first batch when she entered into my school. okay lor, the end of the story. haha.

hmmm yesterday went to a&e and they told me i got blotches in my lung, but weird de shi my blood test have no problem. haha. so i was given a letter to come back to see the specialist lor. haha. the doctor told me, if my sick delevoped into serve fever or serve cough. i need to go to hospital immediately. haha.

hopefully just a minor things ba. haha. wo shi mei shi de. haha. wo shi bai du bu qing de. haha. take care lor for myself. anyway i should treat a person normal ba. haha. yeah i should. haha. and forget somebody i want to forget de. haha. anyway good luck for ur o's on ur english and math.

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A kapo who always want to be succesful in life.. haha