Saturday, 29 December 2007
*cough* seriously i dont know what can i do sia. nvm lor. hope school reopen soon. if not i will be conqueor by this emo monster as what its suggested by my daughter, joyce. haha
Friday, 28 December 2007
awww. even until now, i have no idea what would i do for the future. everywhere u go, it needs money. without money, it simply couldnt possible to create the word romantic or even enter into a restroom. lol. thats how pathetic when a person who dont bring any or insufficient money along .
haha. well, its pretty true. what a typical person would do for his or her life, got a degree or a diploma, find a job and the person will starts to embark a journey which is a 8-5 job. you woke up early and u need to get into a train or a bus which full of people in order to reach your work place. awww. thats the life i want?? i supposed not because its boring!!!!
however on a second thought, without leading what a typical person do. there wont be an income for me and without income. its means its the end for me. awwww!!! lol. haha. seriously i have been thinking for all day long, what lifestyle should i be heading to after graduation.
really its sucks, sometime i do envy those people who born in a rich family because their job was to spend and academic results doesnt matter to them. haha
i think need to end here because i got to see a korean show which is witch yo hee. haha. hope i spell correctly. haha
seriously speaking it was nothing, being asked by him for a few a questions based on the 5 wh and it doesnt last long than 5 mins. haha. but i was kinda enthu when he told me, i most probably will be posted to administrative work. omg. that wasnt what i yearning for all along??
on the contaray, if its true. i dont think i'm eligible for signing up. lol. sian liao!!!!! omg!!! kinda depressed now. no la just joking de la. haha. want to be more strong, always happy and most important of all, win over her. LOL. i hope i can make it. 'bie rang ta kang bu qi le.' bleah. haha.
after which i had my lunch on dim sum buffet which was located somewhere near depot road, have you guys heard of depot height shopping centre? i bet there's not much people heard that shopping centre because its a neighbourhood shopping centre and the place was remote too. well, it wasnt the same experience as the previous one because i'm on a sleeping mood. so it was so so.
after that, bid farewell to mum because she need to met her boss at four in the afternoon. so as what we planned earlier on, my bro and i went to gim moh, intend to sign myself up as a volunteery worker. however out of my expectation, it was so hard to sign it up because they dont provide direct sign up and i was like its going to be a futile trip for today. sian la!!!! why???~!
damm it. haha. a volunteery work which kinda interest me which was giving some free tuition service to kids but i dont think i could make it due to my my english and math. so i dont think they will use me as a volunteer. sighed. well, what a wasted opportunities because if i used not to skip school that often and listened to what teacher told us to do. i guess i would not land myself in a predicament which end up of going nowhere. dammm it. kinda regret. but what its a past tense. so i guess i couldnt do much it either.
sian! thats what i have spend my day and how do u guys spend each and everyday on?? either work or study?? haha. anyway thats life!
by the way, i saw fir's faye and ah qing are going to marry each other. i give my blessing to them because they finally knew they are right for each other and the proposal by ah qing was romantic. lol. because the report which i have read and i could imagined how was it like. awwww. lol. you've done it man!!! lol
Wednesday, 26 December 2007
hmmm today stayed at home and watched drama. one series have been completed and there's fifteen to go. haha. guess i couldnt finished it when the year end. haha. oh ya how u think about my new blogskin?? lol. my sis, xiao ping helps me to find. haha. i think its pretty good too. just dont like that ah moh nia. haha. have been thinking alot!!! what should i do for this holiday??
i got a new daughter, her name is joyce. do take care of her ar?? LOL. haha. i would like to have her as my real daughter because its fun ma. haha. but not in finiancial wise ar. haha. if not i broke liao. haha. mickey lover. LOL
anyway tml got to be going for cmpb for another futher medical examination. sian! lol. but thats obligation for every male singapore citizen whether as a pr or singapore when they have reach at a certain age and require to serve the nation. haha. so sian! lol. nvm my life has already been staked in the air force i think. hopefully can sign on lor. haha. ya thats all. stay cheers my friend!!!
Tuesday, 25 December 2007
sighed. wo xiang wo tai guo eng liao la. that why wo hui hu xi ruan xiang. hao le i think i should travel to cdc to do volunteery work. ban zhu na xie he bu xing de er tong or ah gong or ah ma. jiu xiang yesterday widi and me shuo jian de, zai wo xin mu zhong, you yi zhuo fang zi, ke shi zai ta de si zhou wei, shi yi ge hen gao hen gao de wei qiang(not that wei qiang hor) lai bao hu zi ji. haha. jiu xiang my section head doctor koo shuo jiang de. i tend to use feelings to make decision. which is very bad. huo zhe xiang rong cheng yi qian ge wo jiang de, wo zuo shi mei jing guo da nao.
dui dui dui!!!! I AGREE TO EVERYBODY SAID. but i dont have the determination which is very bad. i need a breakthrough in my life. a breakthrough which can give me a new life!!!!! let me remembered what is the purpose of life. is it self torment? or everyday think postively? i hope is the latter part which can change!!!! yi qian wo xiang wo zhao dao le, ke shi you shi qu le. sian la!!! sighed!
neng hui dao guo qu ma??
yesterday was not a great day, i have sent two message to a best friend, cai hui wen. i dont know what's wrong with me la. zhen de hao xiang, xin li zhu zhe yi ge er mo, gen ben jiu rang wo yong he bu li zhi de xin shi qu lai zuo mou jian shi. ke bei ba. received 11 message from my friends. but 9 of it consist of hui wen de. wo zhen de hao hen wo ji zi, i waited the sms until its not too lag for the whole night. hai
huo gai right? hui wen wo zhi dao cuo le, wo wei she me zhe yang dui ni, 就像你得好朋友说讲的,我不是你得什么人。为什么我会这样子做,连我自己都搞不清楚,我会这样子做。我真的好像要你的笑容,我真的好想,可是会有可能吗? 不知为什么,我不由自主地流下了眼泪。我真的好忏悔我所对你做的一切伤害。
wo zhen de bu shang yu biao da, hai you jian shi wo gao bu dong. wei shen me wo shuo concern de, wo mei ci dou yong hurtful word lai dui ta. wei shen me?? xiao xi shi zhe yang, geraldine ye shi, ta ye shi, wei she me?????! wo xiang shi wo de negative thinking zai zuo sui, wo zhen de bu zhi dao ga zhe me xie xia qu le.
dui bu qi wo rang ni guo le yi ge he bu yu kuai de xmas day, sui rang ji ke yi rang wo biao ta wo shuo xiang de, ke shi na yi zhong feeling shi wu fa explain de. shuo yi ne wo should end this post.
final wish: wo xi wang ni le, xiao kou chang kai. zhen de. chu le xi wang, wo zi ji dou bu dong suo shen me hao.
Monday, 24 December 2007
well, still havent know what to do during on xmas. haha. sian. anyway today was widi's birthday. had a hard time to find him a present because i wanted to have a present which is budget and pretty enough. haha. so i chose a cup for him. lol. but i dont think its nice. haha. just hack care lor. haha. LOL.
okay anyway merry xmas to everyone. haha
Saturday, 22 December 2007
well, its pretty fun. haha. and what an imagination she has. lol. haha. LOL. and after that went to see the hand surgery at sgh. haha. hmmm never got ticked off and he was asking me whether do i need an injection. shit i hate injection especially the needles. LOL.
and after that lazy to say liao. haha. i'm wondering should i say hi to her if i'm going to og and bought widi's present?? should i?? LOL. i dont know leh. haha. lol. sian la. haha. LOL. ya thats all. haha.
Final Wish: May all my friends have a happy xmas day. haha.
Friday, 21 December 2007
okay i think this post are going to be a relatively a short one because have nothing to write also. haha. hmmmm however this applies to my chinese blog too. so here it goes, in a few hours time. i would get a tick off from the specialist from sgh. its because i had not obey what he had told me to do which is wear a hand protective gear to protect my swollen nerves on the right hand for the past 6 weeks. 24/7. awwww. well, i deserve the tick off right?? confirm de la. LOL
anyway please look out for my chinese blog because i'm going to post it on everyday basis or even week to week basis. haha. whichever i like. haha. okay thats the end. and today is 3.51 a.m i have already spend this moment with you. blogger. hope you enjoy with my accompany. haha.
Tuesday, 18 December 2007
haha. its quite suay la because i knew he was knocking my house door and yet i try to close the window. sian! dio caught. nb!!!!! i dont know whether hes out there to cheat people's money because 'qian che ke jian'. awwwww if its real, i have my sympathies on him. especially singaporean are not that 'ai xin' de. sian sian!!!
dont know what to post liao. end here ba do take care for all of my friend especially u.
Monday, 17 December 2007
none did our expect, it rained heavily about two in the afternoon. i was like awwww. lol. thus we need to run in the rain but its kinda fun. LOL :D. especially i brought my newly bought crumpler bag along and test whether its being water proof? the result of that experimemnt was statisfactory. :D hmmm anyway its was the first time to see her. lol. her name is hui wen who work as a promoter in og. lol. shes as pretty as a shit, LOL. no la. just joking as georgeous as a swan i think. haha. intend to say hi to her but the first time i go, she was not at her counter, the second time i went there with widi, she's there but she was busy attending her customers, in the end i never said hi to her. lol.
we took a stroll for more than four hours. lol. haha. its kinda memorable because i got to walk back to the same route which i walked it for eleven years. lol. when the time was up, i bid a farewell to zhen jin and met widi. he intends to buy a birthday gift for qiang and also goes to that shop where they promised him to put 6 free games into the psp which he bought last week.
therefore kinda hang there around for nearly an hour and buy time to think of what to buy for qiang's birthday gift. unfortunately, we couldnt thought of anything to buy for qiang. after putting the game into the psp, we headed to marina square to meet qiang, kit, yue, min and ying for dinner and also his birthday celebration.
however we never bought his presents how? how? how? and qiang kept calling to 'cui' us but we decided to delay it since we are late for the celebration. lol. hmmm after thirty mins, we found a pig calendar at the times bookstore which i previously bought for 'her' also. moreover, the price also make us satisfactory because its kinda budget!!! LOL.
After bought his presents, we went to the place as what he told us. lol. had our dinner and cake for a couple of hours. then we headed to the bridge somewhere near great world city to play a card game name saboteurs. lol. it also lasted for a couple of hours and its pretty fun because it needs you to think and luck play a significant role to the game too.
when all the things end, its already half past two. lol. so we decided to go off, when we past by zouk, a local popular pubs where youngsters hang around, we saw two ladies and one of the girl was wailing which i think shes being dumped by her bf or having tiff with her bf and decided to confide to her friend.
ya that how i spend my saturday.
speaking of today, widi stay over my house after qiang's celebration and we headed to sim lim square for looking some psp accessories at tweleve in the afternoon. where we spend about two hours there. while we were looking for wheres the cheapest psp accessories, we saw quite a couple of girl who was wearing santa clause suits walking around in the building to give pamphlet to peoples when they saw them. my comment for those girl is wohoooo!!! LOL
on the other hand, we encountered a sales promoter. lol. she explained psp being divided into three different types hardware, software and firmware. for hardware their loading speed is relatively slower than firmware and sometimes it need demo umd to start game but still be able to play downloaded games. lol. in addition, the price are cheaper because the electronic board which i think it was being modified that explain why its cheaper from the rest.
for software, it cant play downloaded game and need umd to play games which i think is the most 'lao ya' out of these three types. lastly the firmware, its the best of all and the price also 'cheapest'. =D can be played downloaded games, does not need umd to start the game and also have one year international warranty from sony. Most important point to note, its definately the first hand product because of the electronic board arent being modified.
lol. however the problem still persist, after bought a crumpler bag for one hundred and eighty three bucks. i yearn for more, a sony psp and an ipod. i kept pondering an ipod touch is better than a nano?? lol. i dont know but ipod touch is better because it has almost the same function as an iphone. furthermore it has wifi, which i dont think i lacks it. lol. sian. so what can i do wor??
sua. i think i need to do more research on that liao. okay got to go. take care guys.happy xmas day in advance. god bless.
Saturday, 15 December 2007

' i missed the days' especially i have that nerdy hairstyle!!!

this was the bag i bought today. haha. i think its nice. haha. what do you say??
heres the link for u jing.
haha. dont say i bu hao hor. haha.
okay happy birthday to wei qiang and wei yue. haha. even though i dont think wei yue wants my birthday greeting. haha. however i wouldnt mind that because as a gentleman, i want to be 'you feng du'. okay. today blog gonna be a rather short one because i have no idea whats to write. haha. hmmm just bought a crumpler bag today, its a complete seed edition which worth about one hundred and eighty three. haha. wow that goes my effort of saving money. lol. sighed. but i wont mind because i have yearn for it for a couple of months. haha. lol. but then what about my psp?? LOL. haha. hmmmm wait lor. haha. sian!!!! T_T
hmmmm this month i have spend quite a lot. haha. a picard wallet, a crumpler bag and a billabong pencil case which could cost me up to three hundred. haha. awwww. lol. but i think its a neccessities even though i owned alot of bag especially sling bag. haha.
okay. gonna be thrifty and refrain from myself from spending if not bill will come and haunt me again. LOL. awwww!!!! gonna hate it and i'm begging air force to let me goes for an interview!!!! please!!!! if not i'm going to army!!! which i'm very reluctant!!
thats all for today. take care. haha. oh ya came cross a setence which is meaningful for me. If u love someone, let them go. If they return to u, it was meant to be. If they don't, their love is never urs to begin.. what do u guys think??
Final wish: hope their expense of birthday celebration arent costly!!
Friday, 14 December 2007
well, few hours ago i read a newspaper article about a 933 dj, Ding Zhi Yong, who say in his msn and facebook nick. 'If u offend me, i will not play your songs for the following six months'. i think its kinda harsh. hmmm but do dj has that authority to ban a singer's song airing on the air? i dont know. however i think if the singer is that talented and 933 being the top number one Chinese Fm in Singapore. does it need to be that extent? sighed i still remembered 5566 incident.
Moreover theres more 'zhi zhe' saying about our local singers, xu mei jing and ah du. They make fun of ah du's educational level and xu mei jing who is came out from imh. why do our most popular chinese music station need to be that extent?? 'zhe bu shi mai muo ren cai le ma'
hai. dont know what to comment la. stop here lor. sighed.
Thursday, 13 December 2007
anyway have no idea what to post. however theres something have been pondering for quite some time which is whether should i buy a crumpler bag or a sony playstation portable? haha. used to hate sony playstation portable due to some reasons. on the other hand, after saw my brother and my best pal,widi, owns it. it made me have the desire rush down to a retail shop and bought it on the spot. haha
guess i have a tendacy of buying thing. haha. hmmm help!!!! LOL. okay i guess i'm done now. hehe. take care buddy. oh ya xmas is coming! do you have any plans? plan to spend your xmas day with your love one? friends? or family members? personally i still have no idea how to spend my xmas day. maybe staying at home to sleep?? haha. thats what i do during this day when it comes to my doorstep. hehe
Monday, 10 December 2007
okay times for some high flying action by jumping. LOL. oh hell yeah. haha. take care for my readers. haha

guess i'm too obess with these two picture. haha. give some comments okay?? haha. appreciate it. haha
Saturday, 8 December 2007
anyway i'm pondering whether can i sign on as a regualr as an elite in the air force. LOL. haha. okay thats the end take care my friend bye. haha
Monday, 3 December 2007
anyway to hui wen, tml is your first day of work. take care and dont miss me too much okay. if not i will be pai seh de leh. haha. and good luck for your work tml. may god bless. hehe
Sunday, 2 December 2007
anyway i just found theres alot of courses whom i have interest but i dont think i'm qualified to it. so i guess lets god to decide my fate. haha. for example, hospitality and resort management, i have lotsa interest to pursue my studies in the particular trade but i'm not qualify it anyway because my horrible results. by the way, i feel kinda emo now, lol cause i pondering about whether do i, not a person who is being 'tuo fu' to ladies and neither i'm the right guy whose confide with for guys. haha. my life is full of misery and mistrust. people who i'm cherish with dont stay long in my life and people i hate goes the opposite way. haha
shit i'm seriously lagging now. i couldnt think of anyfink to describe my feelings. guess i seriously need to catch some sleeps if not i couldnt revise for my upcoming test. sian auditing!!!!! awwwwwwww thats one of my reason why i describe i'm so sian and dull!!! dismal leh!!!!!
well, i have things to make clear it now. if people dont believe i have depression before. i wont explain it much further because no matter how many time and how firm my explaniation is, you will just say really meh?? shi zhen de ma?? bu yao pian wo leh, wo ke bu shi na me rong yi qi bian de. i may look perfectly fine at the moment but who will know in the next moment, i wont do anyfink which is something silly. for example trying to commit sucicide. haha guess its pretty good at least theres no worries anymore. hehe =D. anyway i'm not here to let you believe or not, i just uttered it out because i believe you guys will give me some assurance like what happen?? what do u do dude? and not those questions which i dont give a heck of!
so i'm done here oh ya if your chinese is b3 and above or those people who tends to think their chinese is very 'the good' please go to my new blog if not there will be humaliation for yourself. thanks if any comment do pose here. haha because i'm lazy to sign a tagboard there but it gonna happened pretty soon.
Friday, 30 November 2007
溏心風暴 - My Love Will Get You Home
lol. i think i post alot of heart of greed video clips. opps. i'm sorry. this will be the last post. haha. hmmm this had been appeared in my blog before. hehe
Heart of Greed - 溏心風暴 (Trailer)
i think you guys bored about my heart of greed recommendation because i kept repeating heart of greed. lol. omg, i still couldnt resist the power of it. haha
hope heart of greed two will be coming soon. lol
Heart Of Greed (Karaoke) 溏心風暴
nice show and a nice songs. haha. i wonder do i need to post this entry. well, after a second thought, i think i need to share with you people. haha
Fathers and Sons - 爸爸閉翳 (Trailer)
this is a drama where i just started to watch. well, its a good drama and i think its hilarious because of bobby ou yang.
moreover this drama is encircle how a daddy taking care of their own children without having mummy besides them. so i think its touching.
not to forget this is the third time, where bobby and yoyo third time of cooperating as a couple. kinda look forward to the rest of episode. cheers and hope you guys will be enjoying watching this drama. Do give me feedback, hehe.
this afternoon, surf np website just to cure my boredom and i found its open house are having on this coming seventeen to nineteen janauary, think results will be releasing soon. sighed i wonder how's my result will it be for this time after i have put hard works and efforts into it. lol
anyway lets god decide my fate man. haha. i place my trust in god and i'm sure he will lead me to a route where it suits me the best. haha. well, do i count myself a christian? i dont read bible and dont go to church too. so i think i'm kinda one third of christian. christianity is sophiscated because i grow up in a chinese speaking family and i dont have any backgrounds on being a christian. moreover, my family religion are buddhisim. hehe
hope things goes the right way for me. hehe, thats all i'm going to post it for today, later will be posting two trailer to recommend shows to you guys who love tvb dramas. hehe. ming tian hui geng hao!!!
Thursday, 29 November 2007
dui bu qi jing jing, bu shi wo you she me nan yan zhi ying, shi wo gen bu xiang shuo. wo jiang le, na neng gai bian she me. wo zhi dao ni xiang yao zhi dao wo de
'guo qu shi', na xie ling ling zhong zhong de guo qu, xi jie. ke shi zhi dao le you ru he? neng gai bian ma? jiu xiang wo duo me hou hui wo yi qian shuo zhuo de shi, ke shi wu lun wo duo ke wang, duo zai hu ta, neng rang jie ju gai xie ma? hai you wo shi yi ge bei guo qu shu fu de ren, er zhe xie ren wang wang dou shi ge gan heng er bu gan ai de ren.
zhe xie hua shi wo yao shuo de, wo ba ni dang cheng yi ge hen guan xin wo de yi ge peng you, ke shi wo jiu shi zhe yang zi. you she me shi jiu hui wang xin kang li sai. bie kan wo ping shi diao er lang dang, dang wo liu lei shi, mei you duo shao ge ren. hui kan dao ru ci zhe yang de qing jing.
gei na xie zheng zai kan huo yi jing kan guo wo de bu luo de ren, qing rao shu wo de han yu ping yin bu zhe me yang. bi ji dang wo xie zhuo wen de shi hou, dou shi yi zhen zhen de hua yu lai zhuo da de, xie xie.
Wednesday, 28 November 2007

today supposed to go and see ms phua, my course section head for year two, however i do not went to see her because i overslept. haha. i'm lazy man, sighed when can i kicked off this habit. haha. sometime i do think about jing jing this name, such a nice name, when people is filled with darkness, the person who has this name can lead people out of darkness. haha. pretty nice man, thumbs up. if i have a daughter in the future, i will name this name for sure. lol.
oh ya just now preview some of the drama that hongkong broadcaster, tvb that will showing next year. personally i felt that, heart of greed, gems of life and kelvin cheng's show is nice based on the preview i see. on the other hand, its an 80 episode for gems of life. when i knew the total episode, i nearly lost the interest to see the show but for linda, i will perseverve man. haha.
here are the show that will be broadcast by tvb next year, hope you guys enjoy it. haha. anyway this sneak preview is not really nice because it has also included some variety shows too on the part one. haha. do pardon me for not finding a full video which has only the preview of the shows.
Tuesday, 27 November 2007
anyway thanks medical stuff especially ppl from tan tock seng. you make us feel no worries when we feel down and people tends to get away from u. you all never gave us up and continue to fight the disease. thanks!
anyway i have alot of comments my drama de la. haha
Monday, 26 November 2007
anyway i think i started to love that song which is by ella and the song title qiang qiang. haha. lol. now the music, lyrics is reverabating in my brain. LOL
by the way good luck to yong kang for his medical check up. LOL. haha. can do it man. lol. get an a for me. LOL
Sunday, 25 November 2007
sighed. i really wish to go to a course which i want man. haha. i dont just want to indulge myself a course which i dont want to go for. for example, IT. lol. i dont have the calibre nor i'm interested.
sian la!!! lol. anyway today went to np and study for my upcoming aa2 ca. lol. the atmosphere are good for studies. lol. except today i saw a buntch of uncles and aunties,they trying to compare whether their answer is the same as others and they created a certain level of noise pollution, where i couldnt concentrate and i need to frequently stare at them man. apparently, they just finished their test in IS building. LOL. fortunaely, it only lasted for ten mins?
lol. anyway to mei teng they all, sorry couldnt made it for the steamboat because there was nobody accompany me to go for the steamboat and i need to rush to orchard and meet my classmate, jie yin, and being teached by her. ZZZZZZ. awwww dont know what to type liao la. lol. end here. LOL
Friday, 23 November 2007
when i reached the bus stop, i missed my usual bus number. bus number, thirty. so i have no choice to board 145 instead. so i though 145 would stopped at kallang mrt station. but it turn left after it had passed lavender mrt station, i was shit! it passed and definately they wont travel back to kallang mrt station. so i quickly alight at the bus stop and took 961. 961 took a detour and it took me 10 mins to my destination and i need to cross my road. haha
by the time i reached there. i was stoning and when one banagala alight from the bus. he looked at me and spoke to me in his language. i was like huh?? i'm not an indian, why do u talk to me that way. but i just kept quiet and look other where else. haha
when i reached school, its 9.10 a.m. apparently i have missed my audit case lesson, i thought gab or ande would ticked me off. but they didnt, i was lucky. haha. anyway thanks to jie yin, our class top student to have that paitent to teach me cash flow staement which going to be tested on this coming monday. sighed i still buay zai. hopefully i could score a b for that ca. haha. but its impossible i think. haha.
lessoned ended at 12 in the afternoon, finally its ended. haha. i was kept doing my cash flow statement and rmb that formula. haha. sian la!!! obviously i have choosen the wrong course, i should go do business admin instead. haha. its not that tedious. haha. but since i have chose it and i need to go and perserve. haha
sian tuesday will be the day where i need to see my course section head, ms phua. omg. i dont even know what makes her see me. because i deferred my costing module in sem 3? haha. i dont know man. i just treat it as usual day lor. haha. she wont bie anyway. haha
and thats all for my boring day!!! i missed my bed right now but i also want to do my cash flow leh. sian la. how!!!!
Wednesday, 21 November 2007
went there for the case studies. haha. as usual i have no idea what to do, so i just kept quiet when gab hand up our audit files to let our audit lecturer, ms ang to check whether do we made any mistake. out of my expectation, those mistake made by one of our group member and we get deducted alot of marks from her, sighed. i'm worried about whether can i clear my two module, advance accounting two and aduiting for last semster in simei.
after school, i accompanied gab and johnson to tm to buy stationery and ring files which gab need. during the journey, gab told johnson and i. how's our group memember faults. haha. well, just a negative way to express concern but at least his our leader. hehe.
sighed accounting two ca is coming soon and i'm not ready yet. i have no idea what are the posting some simple accounting nature of posting and i dont even know why. i guess i dont have the mindset. i think i have lack of sleep that why i'm like that. its been a long time i have enough sleep. awwww. tml i think i need to go bring my notebook for servicing. sighed. cause i'm suspect one button in my keyboard are having problem. so i'm taking a look. haha. awwwww. sighed
Friday, 16 November 2007
mei you ren hui guan xin wo de, wo zhi bu guo shi ge fei wu. huo xu wo ying gai zhe yang jiang jiu suan shi fei wu, ta ye shi you he hao de zai xun hui gong neng. er wo neng?? wo xiang wo shi lian yi gei fei wu dou bu lu de qing shou, jian ren he huai dan.
ru guo you she me ren xiang dao she me bu hao de dan ci wo zhe shi zhi, qing bie you yu, jia yi gong ji wo ba. wo fa er hui shuo yi sheng xie xie
Zuo Ci: Song Jian Zhang (Dan Tou)
Lyricist: Song Jian Zhang (Bullet)
Zuo Qu: Zhou Jie Lun
Composer: Jay Chou
wu yun zai wo men xin li ge xia yi kuai yin ying
Dark clouds cast a patch of shadow over our hearts
wo ling ting chen ji yi jiu de xin qing
I listen closely to the feelings that have long been silenced
qin xi tou ming
Distinct and transparent
jiu xiang mei li de feng jing
Just like a beautiful landscape
zong zai hui yi li cai kan de qing
That can only be clearly seen in one's memories
bei shang tou de xin neng bu neng gou ji xu ai wo
Can a heart that's been thoroughly wounded keep on loving me?
wo yong li qian qi mei wen du de shuang shou
I work hard to pull up a pair of warmth-less hands
guo wang wen rou
A gentleness that came and went
yi jing bei shi jian shang suo
Has already been locked by time
zhi sheng hui san bu qu de nan guo
All that's left are grievances that cannot be waved apart
huan huan piao luo de feng ye xiang si nian
Longing is like a maple leaf, slowly drifting downwards
wo dian ran zhu guang wen nuan sui mo de qiu tian
I ignite a candle to warm this year-end's autumn
ji guan lue duo tian bian
The aurora steals the horizon
bei feng lie guo xiang ni de rong yan
The north wind flits across, thinking of your appearance
wo ba ai xiang cheng le luo ye
I think of love as a falling leaf
que huan bu hui shu xi de na zhang lian
But I cannot trace back that familiar face
huan huan piao luo de feng ye xiang si nian
Longing is like a maple leaf, slowly drifting downwards
wei he wan hui yao gan zai dong tian lai zhi qian
Why does this retrieval have to happen before winter comes?
ai ni chuan yue shi jian
My love for you transcends time
liang hang lai zi qiu mo de yan lei
Two lines of tears that fell for the end of autumn
rang ai shen tou le di mian
Has let love completely permeate the surface of the earth
wo yao de zhi shi ni zai wo shen bian
The only thing I want is for you to be at my side
bei shang tou de xin neng bu neng gou ji xu ai wo
Can a heart that's been thoroughly wounded keep on loving me?
wo yong li qian qi mei wen du de shuang shou
I work hard to pull up a pair of warmth-less hands
guo wang wen rou
A gentleness that came and went
yi jing bei shi jian shang suo
Has already been locked by time
zhi sheng hui san bu qu de nan guo
All that's left are grievances that cannot be waved apart
zai shan yao piao yi de hong yu
That rain of red floating halfway down between the mountains
sui zhe bei feng diao ling
Are scattered with the north wind
wo qing qing yao ye feng ling
I gently sway the windchime
xiang huan xing bei yi qi de ai qing
Attempting to awaken an abandoned love
雪花已铺满了地xue hua yi pu man le di
Snowflakes have already covered the ground
shen pa chuang wai feng ye yi ji cheng bing
Dreading that the maple leaves outside the window have turned to ice
Thursday, 15 November 2007
anyway i just saw one episode of my list in crunchy called 'always on my mind', its a sars drama. where it reminds me of what happened during that period how we singaporean to fight against a virus which is totally unknown until now that no vaccine but I'm sure we will win it again if we face it again.
i still remembered that period, i was quarntine because my daddy was working in a place where a person is contracted with sars in his work place. when the ministry of health decided to call a quarntine to everyone who was working there and also their next of kin.
the quarentine day was terrible, i couldnt go anyway except staying at home watching tv and i'm greatly miss the school. awwww furthermore when the ministry decide to extend the quarentine i was like what the hell, its so boring!!!! AWWWWW how that can be happen when i didnt do anything but fortunately its only lasted for a three weeks i think. haha
well, i have been thinking whether should i renouce my citizenship as a singaporean after received a reply email from immagriation customs authority for my enquiry because i dont think i will stay here for the rest of my life and i dont have any sense of belonging here although its a place where i'm born and breed.
on the other hand, after watching that episode. my mind was pondering on whether would i make the right choice if i renouce my citizenship. sighed i think i'm keep on procastinating, it wont be a good way. haha.
here's their reply
Dear Sir, Thank you for your email of 11 Nov 2007.
2 We wish to advise you to consider carefully before you renounce yourSingapore citizenship. Once your declaration of renunciation is registered,you will cease to be a citizen of Singapore and there is no provision forreinstatement. There is also no assurance that you can continue working orresiding in Singapore as a foreigner on any form of employment permit or asa permanent resident.
3 Under Article 128(1) of the Constitution of the Republic ofSingapore, anyone who wishes to renounce Singapore citizenship must fulfillthe following 3 conditions:
i Is or over 21 years of age
ii Of sound mind
iii Is or about to become a citizen of another country
4 In addition, a male citizen, the Government may withhold theregistration of declaration of renunciation of Singapore citizenship underArticle 128(2)(b) of the Constitution of the Republic of Singapore, theprovisions which are reproduced below:- If the declaration is made by a person subject to the Enlistment Act unlesshe has - i discharged his liability for full-time service under section 12of that Act;ii rendered at least 3 years of reserve service under section 13of that Act in lieu of such full-time service; oriii complied with such conditions as may be determined by theGovernment.
5 For renunciation of Singapore Citizenship status, you may proceed tothe Citizen Services Centre of this office or the nearest SingaporeOverseas Mission with the following documents: i Proof of Foreign Citizenship (original and photocopy of foreigncitizenship certificate and foreign passport);ii Singapore passport and Identity Card;iii Singapore citizenship certificate (if any); andiv Marriage certificate (for females married to foreignnationals).
6 The processing time is 4 weeks for female applicant and for maleapplicant (ie. born on or after 1/1/49), the timeframe is 8 weeks, providedthe documents received are duly completed and in an orderly manner.
7 In order for us to provide you with accurate advice/informationregarding Oath of Renunciation, Allegiance and Loyalty (ORAL), pleasefurnish us your particulars (eg. full name, date of birth & IC number).
Yours faithfully,
Customer Relations Officer for
Btw i :33 sherry!!! i want you to online right now xd
Sunday, 11 November 2007
so i thought it would done for the day and i need to go home like eleven something which i dont really yearn for. haha. however out of my expectation, wei qiang asked us to join him for supper. when we reached there, nobody really ordered foods except drinks or in other words was it cancelled? haha. i thought it would be another time just like the previous meet-up which was happened exactly one week ago. haha.
however we, six people including two ladies actually stayed up for almost the night even though one left us. haha. little did i except, those two ladies would stayed as quite late as us because of asian parents have a conservative mindset not to allow their children especially for girls not to stay out late as they worried something bad might happen to them or to be precise, it call curfew which i have been finding difficulties to tell one of my friend, wei yue, to find out why she's stayed out late with us. haha. its been fun to stay out late especially we have some jokers there to crack jokes or it would be a boring night for us and it will be truly meaningless.
as time passed, one left us and we were left with four guys and one girl. haha suddenly wei qiang asked me about when it was my first time to kiss a girl. haha. so i was like hmmmmm actually i do know the answer but i preferred not to reveal it out because of the presence of a girl, wei yue. when it reached her turn, she was like hmmmm i'm not going to tell everybody because its my privacy. haha so we continue and when its reached to the last person, andre, he was irresoulte how to answer this question and i'm decided to 'li xiao' him as in teased him to be precise. haha. hmmm so i post a gesture of wanting to kiss him. in the end, my mouth accidentally kissed his chin. opps. haha. its my first time to kiss a guy. haha. in fact my mouth has a mere contact with his face. awwww!!! sherry help me!! xd. haha
as a whole i think, its was a nice and enjoyable staying out since i was busy with my o's lately. haha. so please have this staying out this more often. haha. i have been yearning for so much for years. lol.
do pardon me, for not describing clearing of every detail and i hope you guys would come reguarly and visited my blog cause i'm bored. awwww
to sherry
its been day for me to contact you. from our last conversation, you have been suffering from sorethroat. how are you getting? is it recovered? awww i hoped it do. well, are you busy from mid-term exam? at least online and do tell me what have been keep you busy. if not i would be worried for you everyday.
Thursday, 8 November 2007
after school while waiting for bus, gab intro me an online game where it need to train a character's level and built up its reptuation. moreover, its all about chinese martial arts, for example like shao lin, wu dang and e mei. haha it kinda tempting! the graphic was pretty cool too but i wont play for the time being cause i need to finish my drama in crunchyroll watching list. haha.
to wq
i know your paitence has its own limit but would you think that if theres no criticsm? would there be any room for improvment? do you really care for your own country where you were born and breed in? if you do, you must think care for the country. as for me, i dont really like singapore government's policy as in they like to implement a policy as and when they like and they dont really consult every singaporean's view. however in people's opinion, singaporean has an attitude of 'bo chap' where they feel that singapore owe them a living.
for my opinion, i dont like the policy of constripiction and we also dont really have a say in most of the policy that governement implement but other than that, i'm pefrectly fine. i must thanks singapore government for making such a conducive environment to live in. however please do keep improving and also implement the policy where it satisifies everybody.
Tuesday, 6 November 2007
after that i hailed a cab and i went straight to my doctor appointment. however when i reached there, i saw a butch of kids sitting on the sofa and waited for their turn to see psychiatrist. i was like shit! am i going to sit with the kids? i would feel weird man. immediately i took a lift down , take a queue number from the polyclinic and waited there to see my right hand's problem which it has persist for three to four months. haha
i waited there for more than an hour to call my name, when i told the doctor my problem. he suggested me to take an x-tray and he would write me a recommendation letter to further consult a bone specialist, i was like not bad man. at least i produce some evidance when i go for the check up. haha
after the x-tray, i took my film to him and he told me that the result of the x-ray and it showed my hand is perfectly fine. i was like dots!!!! if i'm fine, i wouldnt feel that pain and it so consistent where it can wake me up from my dreams. i think i'm suffering from rheumarthritism. LOL
haha so after all the necessary work, my appointment transferred from bone specialist to a hand surgery and it scheduled on this coming friday at half past ten in the morning. i wonder everything is it as bad as i expected!!!!
down there will be my x-tray picture and a couple of picture where i have took it on previous month. hehe ^^

Monday, 5 November 2007
awww i yearning sherry to online. anyway somebody told me, my blog was dismal then my tag. awwww!!!! how hurt it is. shit i'm really going to miss sherry every min and sec as time fade away!!!! omg. what can i do?? i guess i need to put all my attention to drama!
Friday, 2 November 2007
oh ya please support moses chen and linda chung for best actor and actresses respectively in tvb 40th anniversary which are going to held on 17 novemeber. linda you're always the best!
anyway to kapo eater, you seems you want to make friend with sherry. haha. well, should i grant your request? i have no idea what would i react. haha
i want to dance with sherry!!!!!!. i'm steve ma and sherry is bernice liu in the show. haha!. i think its nice!
Wednesday, 31 October 2007
Saturday, 27 October 2007
on the other hand, i couldnt just look only the disadvantage becos the aim i'm going to achieve would at least a "B" and this "b" would gurantee a course that i want. this year i have putting alot of efforts on this two sub than the other subject. i even requested to defer my costing module to this sem cause i wanted to have more time to concentrate on this two. hopefully i can make it for the "really" last time. its depressing when i look through my grade last year and the previous year, i just only a d or a little bit better a c, it sucks but i knew i couldnt grumble becos i have never put in any effort for the past year papers.
anyway just look the trailer for the umpteen times of a tvb drama name "heart of greed" its a show where it talks about a family has their dispute over their six million wealth. although it revels the "evil" side of a human being but it tells me that if a family stays together nothing will break them apart because of their family bonds. argh i thought of another show again! LOL. i hope this year tvb award cenemory, heart of greed will be the ultimate winner and i'm certainly praying for that to happen.
today met kaka they all, apparently i do miss them especially mei teng and kaka because sometime they surprise me as in they would shout besides me and beat the hell out of me. though we are not from the same course and school and i got to know them becos one of my friend in their group is their classmate but it doesnt matter! haha whenever i think of mei teng reaction afer she had done something embarassed, she would hide her face behind her laptop bag or hide besides my friend who is her "di di" she's cute and not to forget kaka though the whole joruney neither she and i had initiate a chat but i think she's a good friend becos i feel she will treat her friend the best. well, ite and poly students their characteristics has a great difference, becos ite are for a bunch of hopeless kids who they dont have a brigt future due to they this adopt an attuidue call indifferent towards their studies that why they got into this learning instuition.
anyway i'm going to sleep man and god please guide me through this obstacle i'm having. last but not list is sherry, i love you, hope you and i will have more time to chat. hehe
Thursday, 25 October 2007
from a simple minded guy whose name call zerric.
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
anyway just saw my friends blog and they upload my picture on their blog, i think its quite funny and thanks for uploading my precious picture on your blog on such a hiliarious diagram. thanks for the effort.
while i was going back home and i saw my ex classmate, bao hui, she's getting prettier and prettier though she still pretty during her secondary school(collegue) days and her boyfriend say hi to me after her introduction. anyway hope they could have a blissful life. hehe
missed the day with you. sherry hope you can come to online as early and dont go off so early. LOL.
okay its time to stop at this point as i'm going to offline soon. take care folks!
Monday, 22 October 2007
awwww. counting down to 6 days for my english paper hopefully i could attain a b grade and go to a course which i want. i dont want to fail it another time. had been putting up alot of effort and times in order to do well for this coming paper. awww. lol. hmmm well, its time for me to enjoy one episode of face to fate then i will starts to revise for my math paper which are going to be held on the same day as the english paper. awwww. take care folks hope you have a great days ahead and tomorrow is tuesday!. yeah. awww. lol
Sunday, 21 October 2007
By Jeanne McDowell
Julia has never been especially fearful, so I was caught off guard when just before her fifth birthday she became terrified of being poisoned. She cried after she accidentally swallowed a crayon shaving. Even the beloved cherry-red lipsticks that were her favorite part of dress-up now seemed fraught with danger. "Mommy! By mistake lipstick got on my tongue!" she yelled, running into my room one day. "Am I going to die?"
With preschoolers, the challenge is to straddle the line between reacting and overreacting to your child's fears.
Like any conscientious mom, I explained to Julia that most things are kid-safe. I showed her the word "nontoxic" on crayon boxes. I tried to convey to my distraught preschooler in every way I could think of that she just wasn't going to be poisoned.
But in my heart of hearts I blamed myself. Had my constant reminders about putting things in her mouth pushed Julia into some sort of phobia? Thankfully, before I had a chance to press the "I'm a Lousy Mommy" button, something happened: Her fear disappeared. Like a summer thunderstorm, it blew over as quickly as it had moved in.
I still don't know exactly what caused Julia's fright; nothing bad had happened to ignite it. But I did find out that fears are a natural part of how kids learn to understand their environment, according to John Piacentini, Ph.D., director of the Childhood OCD, Anxiety and Tic Disorders Program at the University of California, Los Angeles. Every developmental passage, from infancy on, is accompanied by some kind of anxiety, ranging from monsters to vacuum cleaners. "What seems logical to us isn't always to a child," he says.
Whatever the source of your little one's fear, it's how you help her confront it that's key.
Babies: First frights
Infants come into the world with no real awareness of its dangers. Even so, they're hardwired to reflexively bawl at sudden loud noises and cling if they sense they're falling. It's at 6 or 7 months that many babies actually feel afraid. As they begin to develop a memory of familiar faces, anyone they see who isn't Mom or Dad is potentially a stranger to be feared. An infant who may have delighted in being passed from one person to another can suddenly get hysterical when he's taken away from his mother.
Anna Kanaley, 15 months, became terrified of the two women who frequently clean her family's house in Arlington, Virginia, much to her mom's embarrassment. "One week Anna loved them," Victoria Kanaley says, "and then she couldn't stop crying when she saw them." So, when Anna started to wail, her mom would pick her up and remind her who these women were -- and then make an exit. After several months, Anna was again happily reaching for them.
Just as babies are scared of unknown people, they can be startled by almost anything unfamiliar, whether it's a bearded man or something as innocuous as a flushing toilet. When Alex Ramsey was 1, a balloon happened to burst near him; the sound was so surprising that even the sight of a balloon terrified him after that. "You can imagine what it was like at birthday parties," says his mother, Susan Picascia of Studio City, California. To calm him, she'd gently explain that the sound wouldn't hurt him and tried to avoid balloons when she could. The best way to handle fears in infants and very young children is to do just what Kanaley and Picascia did, say experts: Orchestrate the environment. Soothe your baby with reassuring hugs and calm words if he's frightened, but don't force him to face whatever he's afraid of.
Toddlers: Everyday terrors
At around 18 months, toddlers begin to struggle to distinguish between reality and make-believe. A child may love Barney on TV, but the big beast that shows up at a birthday party can be confusing and overwhelming because he's so much larger than the one on TV.
At the same time, toddlers are more aware of what's around them, and parts of everyday life they didn't notice before can become terrifying. Bathtime, for instance, was frightening for Austin Truesdale of Plainfield, Illinois, when he was 2. "He was positive he'd go down the drain," says his mother, Angela. She and her husband found a solution: Austin agreed to sit in a bathtub ring that was suctioned to the back of the tub, and his parents filled the bath with bubbles. When it drained, they showed him how the bubbles left the tub last because they were big -- and when Austin saw how much bigger he was, bathtime became a lot easier. "Well, now he thinks it's hilarious to unplug the drain midbath," says Truesdale.
While the fear of going down the bathtub drain, or the toilet, is common, more idiosyncratic ones also pop up. At 2, Sabrina Flood-Wylie got scared whenever her mom drove on a freeway. Pretty problematic, since her family lives in Southern California. "It took me a while to realize that it wasn't the speed that frightened her but the elevation and her fear of falling off the road," says her mother, Peggy, of Valley Village. "Once I started showing Sabrina that the painted white lines on the road told us where to drive, she was better."
It's this kind of gentle reassurance and basic, truthful information that most successfully assuages a toddler's anxiety. If a child senses that you're not afraid, chances are she'll follow suit. At this age it's also OK to expose her to something she fears; some contact with it, in a controlled setting with you right next to her, will probably help. If she's afraid of loud noises, for example, don't bend over backward to avoid noisy places. Explain where the sound comes from, keeping it short and simple.
Preschoolers: Wild flights of fancy
Why are preschoolers afraid of monsters? They have a better awareness of the world's dangers, coupled with a big imagination. "As adults, we hear a noise outside at night and attribute it to the wind. But it's more satisfying for a child to think it's something scary than not to be able to understand it," says Piacentini. Besides, preschoolers (more so than toddlers) realize they can be hurt by things.
Kids also overhear adults talking and trade information with friends. Even though they may not understand everything they hear, they can be scared of it all the same. Nick Stanger, a 5-year-old in Lakeville, Minnesota, worries that he'll be sent to jail: His dad, John, is a police officer, and Nick knows that one of the things his dad does is put bad people behind bars. John has explained that there's a difference between criminals and misbehaving preschoolers, but the jail-time fear still lingers a bit.
It's important to try to understand what your child is really afraid of. If he tells you he's frightened of lightning, for instance, don't automatically try to reassure him by saying that he's not going to get hit -- what freaks him out may be the accompanying sound of thunder or the way the flashes of light make scary shadows on his wall. Then try to give him coping mechanisms, such as doing an activity that will distract him or singing a special song whenever he hears thunderclaps.
The challenge is to straddle the line between reacting and overreacting to a child's fears. While you shouldn't dismiss or mock a fear, say experts, overindulgence can make your child feel that there really is something to be scared about. Too many checks under the bed for monsters, for example, may prompt him to wonder, "Why is Dad looking so many times? Maybe there is something there."
Grade-schoolers: More grown-up concerns
You may think that by this age your child has outgrown her first terrors, but some hang on. She may still be afraid of the dark or monsters (though now it's related to something scary she's seen on TV rather than some unknown bogeyman that lurks only in her imagination).
Kids are also becoming more concerned that something bad could happen to their parents. Your child may be afraid you'll be hurt in a specific way, such as a car accident, or she may just have a vague worry that she'll lose you.
When children first hear about death, they tend to think it's reversible. As its permanence dawns on them, many feel anxious not just about you but about dying themselves. Address your child's concerns in the simplest terms: You might say that when someone dies, his body stops working. Reassure her that you're both very healthy and that people don't usually die unless they are old or very sick or have a very bad accident.
The good news is that most anxieties are nothing for you to worry about. Being scared sometimes is simply part of being human. So while you're consoling your tearful child, you can take comfort in knowing that in the morning, the fear will most likely vanish with the monsters.
well, it took me ten minutes to read this article, it sounds interesting, i found it by chance when i search cnn website for weather and news in california.
anyway i missing you! i'm offically missing sherry wong choi choi!. what she's doing now? sick? busy?. awwww. i dont even know what she's doing right now. awwwwwww, omg should i bought an air ticket and fly it to cali right now but when i think of nineteen hours flight, i'm not excited anymore cause my butt is going to hurt! somebody please sympathise my butt! thanks
counting 3 days 4 hours 21 mins and 30 sec that my friend phoebe are still angry with me and it still counting. how sad it is!
Friday, 19 October 2007
guess my health has been deteroiating sighed. exam is just next week and i'm sick! i couldnt believe it. omg! hope sherry would pray for me! lol
still counting down my friend phoebe still angry with me to 1 days 17 hours and 30 sec.
Thursday, 18 October 2007
know that my xiao ben zhu and his "tommy" are having a bickering, hope they could make things peace. omg! i'm having fever and things couldnt go straight my mind. pardon me with my broken english. lol. i think i'm always using broken english all the time. LOL
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
secondly i hope my friend retaking their o level science will have at least a pass then they could go to their desire course in the polytechnic.
thirdly, i made my friend furstrated, i would like to take this opportunity to apologise her, i hope you could forgive me. anyway i'm sick, it's mild fever. hope i could have recover a.s.a.p.
finally i could go out with mei teng they all, they are my friend's friends. well, their personaility is not bad, at least they are better than simei most of business class. Hopefully, i could have more opprunity to go out with them.
well take care everyone, hope the world is peace.
Monday, 15 October 2007
it's true!
on the other hand i dont think i would be able to do it!. wohoo. tomorrow is a holiday for me, but it's not an excatly holiday cos i need to study my books over again and again!.. awwww
well let's end at here. cause zerric is tired and i love sherry!
Other then kbox, guan ting and i went to bukit panjang plaza today!. The reason is simple, my friend Phoebe said i didnt take the initiative to chat with her yesterday. So it's not counted for my yesterday visit. Awww, how can it be?!. Waste my time! Overall i think she's quite a friendly girl, the moment she saw me, she kept laughing as if she didnt saw my "cute" little face before. in fact it the truth she never saw me before. Quan tein told me phoebe and i belong to the same kind, our circuit have been misplaced that why we are "CRAZY". Well, i wouldnt know. maybe?. hope god will be with me every second and min to help me tide every obstacle i encounter.
have a question to ask xiao xi
that is my english is that bad?
that couldnt make u understand most of the time?
to sherry
hope you will be online
as soon as possible
i have been dearly missing you
cos i love u!
final wish: i hope i could see sherry online and all my friend in pink health.
Sunday, 14 October 2007
i have been travelled 1/2 of singapore to search for almost all of his neccessities. first from south to south east and from there to northern west of singapore. haha. initially north-west doesnt include in our plan. so he was being "dragged" by me. in fact went there was just to meet one of my friend, phoebe, the moment i saw her she already gave me that kind of "bored" face. would it becos of her work? or becos of due to closing?.. lol.. i wouldnt know.. lol.. haha.. finally i could be able saw her face.. cos she's one of my "net friend".. well she looks average.. but her look is better than xiaoxi.. opps.. lol.. haha.. i think that's all.. hope today will be have a great day for me!.. lol
to sherry
where's sherry?.. lol.. omg.. haha.. she's been abducted by me?.. lol.. haha.. hope she would online soon and chat with me.. her hubbie.. i love you!
Saturday, 13 October 2007
Beware of Garbage Trucks
By David J. Pollay
How often do you let other people's nonsense change your mood? Do you
let a bad driver, rude waiter, curt boss, or an insensitive colleague
ruin your day? Unless you're a robot, you are bound to blow your top
off. However, the mark of a sucessful person is how quickly he or she
can get back his or her focus on what's important.
Sixteen years ago, I learned this lesson. I learn it in the back of a
New York City taxi cab. Here's what happen.
I hopped in a taxi, and we took off for Grand Central Station. We were
driving in the right lane when, all of a sudden, a black car jumped out
of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his
brakes, skidded, and missed the other car's back end by just inches!
The driver of the other car, the guy who almost caused a big accident,
whipped his head around and he started yelling bad words at us.
My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And I mean he was
really friendly. So, I said, 'Why did you do that? This guy almost
ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!'
And this is when my taxi driver told me what I now called, 'The Law of
the Garbage Truck'.
Many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage,
full of fustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their
garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it. If they happen to dump
it on you, don't take it personally.
You just smile, wave, wish them well, and moved on. You'll be happier if
you did that rather than fight them.
So this was it: 'The Law of the Garbage Truck'.
I started thinking, how often do I let garbage trucks run right over me?
And how often do I take their garbage and spread it to other people: at
work, at home, on the street? It was that day I said, 'I'm not going to
do it anymore.' I see garbage trucks everywhere and everyday. I see the
load they're carrying. I see them coming to drop it off. And like my
taxi driver, I don't make it a personal thing; I just smile, wave, wish
them well, and I move on.
Good leaders know they have to be ready for their next meeting. Good
parents know they have to welcome their kids home from school with hugs
and kisses. Teachers and parents know that they have to be fully present
and at their best for the people they care about.
The bottom line is that successful people do not let garbage trucks take
over their day. What about you? What would happen in your life, starting
today, if you let more garbage trucks pass you by?
Here's my bet. You'll be happier. the people who treat you right.
Forget about the ones who don't.
Believe that every thing happens for a reason.
If you get a chance, TAKE IT!
If it changes your life, LET IT!
Nobody said it would be easy...
They just promised it would be WORTH IT
Thursday, 11 October 2007
sherry hope you online in the morning.. haha.. anyway with my blessing.. sherry scold full mark for her chemistry test!.. omg.. cheers.. it's party time.. lol.. i love you forever, sweetheart.
today u know i read newspaper and there's an article said that kelvin cheng would be taking this year of tvb best male actor award.. omg.. how could it be.. his acting skill just only an average.. lol.. if tvb is going to give him this year best male actor award.. i would swear to myself.. i wont going to watch any single tvb show for the rest of my life. For my opinion moses will be my best male actor this year.. his acting skill are already at the next level.. especially his role "mr okay" in heart of greed.. awww it's good.. lol
for best female actor.. i hope linda would get this award but the nominee are quite competitive. especially dai kai and siu kai in the role of tvb drama heart of greed.. it will be a tough fight.. lol.. omg.. haha
final wish sherry and tvb a happy year for u!.. lol
1)it getting clearer and clearer that i could solve a math question.. though my timing is slow.. haha.. but i could see the way how to solve it
2)just now i received a sms from the police force, asked me to go for an interview on the next coming monday.. but the name is for boon yee lee.. not my name.. awww i think was it a prank sms.
3)today i saw xiaoxi.. though not really meet, face to face but finally i would know what you look like.. kinda satisfy.. i know i'm sure we will have the opporunity to meet again.. but please bear in mind.. haha.. if want to meet me.. please tell me are you coming alone or not.. dont tell me last min.. somebody is tagging along.. i dont really like it.
haha.. well thats all for zerric annoucnment for today.. lol.. if want to know more my news.. please log on to haha.. there will be my detail profile.. lol
hmmmm hope tomorrow will be a fine day for me.. haha.. omg school is going to reopen soon.. awww.. i hate it.. it signify my day to my end is near.. awww.. lol.. but i couldnt stop the clock ticking away every min and sec.. lol.. on the other hand what i going to cherish every sec and min spend with you.. haha
to sherry
hope you can pass your chemistry test!.. i will be on later for sherry!
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
starting it was okay, nothing much have happened. However as times goes by, problem starts to arise. For example I need to wake up early to accomdate his time in order just to have an english lesson. this was not the point, in addition that friend of mine have always want to have a share of what i have already subscribe. that is to rent him the dvd that i rent from videoezy online. well things are just repeated if you guys had already read the post that i had post earlier. if i dont agreed to, he will make a fuss by using sms attack to get his aim. is that a true friend call?
in addition, that friend of mine always use the tuition fee of five dollar an hour to ask for more. in order to get good results, is that call sacrifice or just to be a slave to the friend?. is this the dictionary defination of friends??. well often, i wake up early and mull over whether should i go to his place?. his place is far from my house, i need to travel approximately an hour to reach his place by bus. awwww.. if not money would be spend on cab fares. sighed.
two weeks left and i'm still suffering this kind of problem. i really wants to do well in my coming examination, but due to the circumstances i have mentioned it above, i doubts i could get a desire grade which can make me satisfy. sighed.. what to do?.. is life!
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
for illusionist, the storyline is say about a guy whose name.. shit i already had forgotten the name.. it starts with an e.. he knows about magic and he can use his magic to recall the undead infront of his audience.. there's one scence i remembered the austria prince killed his finance becos his finance was reluctant to be part of his plan to help him overthrow his fathers throne.
initially she agreed to the plan but when she met her old lover, the magician, she started to realise that she truly love him rather than the prince himself.. however everything was too late.. she couldnt have a chance to tell the magician.. "what i truly love is u!".. she was being killed by the prince.. awwww.. i was on the verge to cry.. tears almost row down on my chin.. awww.. lol.. but it didnt happend.. lol.. haha.. so far the show i watched, none could made cried except a korean show the autumn tale.. the first show i cried.. omg.. sherry tissuse please.. lol.. SHERRY WHERE'S MY TISSUSE??.. awww.. no replied.. bad sherry!
lol.. haha.. for the resident evil one, it was an action packed movie.. haha.. almost every part of the show.. i could see gunshot, fighting against the undead.. lol.. omg.. it's so scary!.. lol.. haha.. but i like it.
anyway to sherry
i will online in the morning.. dont worry sweetheart.. loves u!.. from your hubbie.. zerric