
Friday, 28 December 2007

had nothing much today. haha. but a question cross my mind. which was what the purpose of we survive in this world?? to be a great one, just like mozart or Albert Einstein contribute to the society?? or just like what a typical people do. work for the whole life and earns a little sum of money??

awww. even until now, i have no idea what would i do for the future. everywhere u go, it needs money. without money, it simply couldnt possible to create the word romantic or even enter into a restroom. lol. thats how pathetic when a person who dont bring any or insufficient money along .

haha. well, its pretty true. what a typical person would do for his or her life, got a degree or a diploma, find a job and the person will starts to embark a journey which is a 8-5 job. you woke up early and u need to get into a train or a bus which full of people in order to reach your work place. awww. thats the life i want?? i supposed not because its boring!!!!

however on a second thought, without leading what a typical person do. there wont be an income for me and without income. its means its the end for me. awwww!!! lol. haha. seriously i have been thinking for all day long, what lifestyle should i be heading to after graduation.
really its sucks, sometime i do envy those people who born in a rich family because their job was to spend and academic results doesnt matter to them. haha

i think need to end here because i got to see a korean show which is witch yo hee. haha. hope i spell correctly. haha

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A kapo who always want to be succesful in life.. haha