
Friday 3 April 2009

well, hopping for youtube videos. feel like listening to this songs, so i clicked on it.


whenever i listened to this song, it make me think that life is really damm fair. just like the taiwanese style of drama. how ppl work hard for he or her own and succed and how baddies are there to make the lead actor very terrible.

here's the rough plot

As the series revolves around the pursuit of wealth (or at the very least, basic financial stability), the series was named to reflect that. Coincidentally, and perhaps intentionally, the first two characters of the Chinese title, "黄" and "金", are the surnames of the two main families in the series. In that sense, the title would mean "The path travelled by the Huangs and the Jins".

oh set, i gotta go to suntec soon to take my papers. haha. SIC. here i come. LOL. gotta set a time. tml having lunch with joyce. the day after tml, gotta go with fred to hougang. needa find backup plan and realish it. hehe.

take care.

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Welcome Wor.. Feel free to look here

A kapo who always want to be succesful in life.. haha