
Thursday 9 April 2009

i wonder who used my friend's name, grace and said i'm a liar? i think i should know who. i din tell her, sherry and joycelyn is who and how would she know?

i think i have pretty much guessing is u. nvm, i knew u would want something to stress it out ba. keep going, i wont stop u.

anyway saw trevor and thomas ytd, from harvey. omg! wonderful time with em.

wind got the tv tuner for us, and i'm really hope i can watch the final and the ping pong. LOL

hdx16!!!! wohoooooooooo!!!!! LOL. but the quality really =.=. nvm lor. went lesson alone usually ms seow will accompany me for lesson. today feel the lonliess sia. what sir teach us today is the reality. not truth, not result. its the focus, taking ownership.

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A kapo who always want to be succesful in life.. haha