
Thursday 2 April 2009

just back from a place where i went there one year ago.

last year, was with a friend of mine.

this year, i'm all alone.

haha. if the person read this post. i think u should know where i'm referring to.

the stars was nice, the beach too. lol. but somehow i couldnt empty my mind and think of the right way which i'm suppose to. why?!!!!!!!

somehow i gotta attached to my blog already, its been lotsa entry i think. my mindset does not change anything i think.

feel like going to somewhere where no worries, no desire, everything are so peaceful that you dont even realised a person exists. do this place exists in this world? i dont think so, but this is the place where everybody yearns for.

its very true whenever u judge a person, the person will judge the same but they dont have the right to judge a person cause THEY ARE NOT FIT TO. but this world is round. anything happens.

been sitting in a tram just now, was seriously in a daze and watch everything past by me, has been thinking what am i doing during the past year, get serious and find a job, even though this job doesnt requires any qualification but i gotta take this job as what the speaker said last week, taking ownership. i have been to alot of stores, i'm not sure abt how ppl judge me but i'm know i have done my best and PLEASE DONT JUDGE ME at my back, i dont like it seriously! that was what happen to my studies too, some ppl have been there for me but some ppl are just to let u feel sucks. haha. why do people tends to say bad to u when u're not there. i have been figuring some reason so far
1) not to make u feel awkard?
2) to make em feel better?
3) finding a topic to talk to? too eng???

oh ya back to the tram, when i look down, it was a scene full of 'work in progress'. haha. anyway just been a friend blog, read her post. well, i can say sometime life are not as smooth as what u think but to make it positive and i din realise she has a crush. wo zhi you zai zhe, zhu ni xing fu. thats all.

take care.

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Welcome Wor.. Feel free to look here

A kapo who always want to be succesful in life.. haha