
Thursday 21 February 2008

wow its been a long time since i have the urged to blog again. just read the article of edison's chen. hmmm seriously he made the right decision even though he also one of the victims.

so ya. hmmm later will be going to utube to see his press conference. hmmm hopefully it will be a clear one. haha. hmmm back again. a close friend of mine who had never contacted me for 2 days. hmmm and i wonder what she's doing??

hai. hopefully she wont do something stupid ba. although i just knew her for only 3 mths plus nia but i think she's a person where i do not need to guard against. i rmbered vividly about the day we met, haha. but that will not be revel here of course. hope she will contact me soon ba.

haha. so take care lor. lol. my friend. haha.

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A kapo who always want to be succesful in life.. haha