
Saturday 23 February 2008

hmmm today went back to school for something important. LOL. just to hand it up to the teacher in charge. quite sian. LOL. but no choice, thats life lor. haha. hmmm intro by pei jin about a book which i think i see it few mths ago. hmm think is a quite nice book ba. haha. hope everybody will see it, haha.

http://www.goodybooks.com/ibelieveyou.htm this is the link hope everyone will go and see it. hmmmm none did out expect, the clip she show me is from a japanese drama. lol the name is Kamisama Mou Sukoshi Dake OST its a very classic shows. hmmm hope somebody will not say japanese show are draggy hor. LOL

hmmmm that somebody got emo again by dont know what ba. but i think its due to vary same reason again. sian. hmmm i wish u would tell me ba, however no matter what, i will stand besides u de. haha. hope u will see this post ba.

this is the link that i'm talking about

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A kapo who always want to be succesful in life.. haha