
Friday 29 February 2008

just saw mr liau today to discuss about what career should i head on? to be a teacher? cnb officer? lol. sign on as a regular? LOL. well, i think i will choose the first choice because the benefits and privileages.

however i'm afraid, i couldnt handle kids due to my 'black face' lol. sad leh. lol. i got such a pure and innocent heart but my face contradict of my heart!!! think of those kids, i ji tao sian. LOL. how ar?? should i go for plastic surgery?? LOL. to be a korean superstar? or to be jin cheng wu?? LOL. haha. also nice leh. LOL. but what i'm afraid of i will having the same fate as michael jackson here there, everywhere. lol. then run also scare it might come down. LOL. @$#@!$#@%#@%$^$#^ sian. how how?? lol.

nvm. LOL. there's still a long way to go!!! LOL.

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A kapo who always want to be succesful in life.. haha