
Wednesday 10 June 2009

time to blogged again. i was thinking of whether should i continue or i shld give it up?

time obviously is not on my side cause in a few mths time, i will be on some place liao. i dont know what will happen to me, seriously i dont know. i hope everything do end fast. cause its gonna drag for a long time.

i really hope i could do thing as per normal and stopped thinking of when and when and how how. dam tired. was chatting with a girl called jia jia. not bad but she was rarely reply. haha. i think she's busy. was thinking of the old school days, it was fun actually with ppl accompanying and thinking of why i couldnt made this kind of money and was loathing around. it was nice.

but then i have done nothing and there's nothing for me to cling on it. just like joycelyn, everytime staying home play game lor. haha. LOL. but i different, i take bus and spend my time on the bus rather than at home.

for now, i think its luxury for me to set a foot down and see what is my real life cause my day is simple. show my presence at the outlet. managed to sell one or two. den go home liao. thats all my day. i dont like this kind of pattern but i want to get something out of this circle. again, time isnt my side. i needa work something out of it.

I DO NEEDA TO TAKE A BREAK NOW. A BREAK IS ALL I WANT!!!! i thinking of going to some tours but its alone. LOL. i realised something not everybody is there when i in need of em. haha. that how friends for. haha.

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A kapo who always want to be succesful in life.. haha