
Thursday 16 July 2009

back to blogging, its going to be 5 le. haa. and i'm still awake. kns. haha. LOL. ytd went to met hao yi and one of his friend. we went for scenery view. haha. all our "first time" being given to each other. haha. so zai. haha, was thinking when will be the subsquent meet sia.

haha. i like the atmosphere and everything even though it was just a 4 hrs meet but everything was so nice. haha. took some picture with my e71, but i dont think its really gd. cause the picture quality was like a shit. haha.

tml will be the debuts of harry potter. was look so much forward to it cause its a movie i will definately watch cause i'm totally in love of harry potter. haha. simply marvellous. whenever i think of lord voldermort, ron, professor snape. haha. omg!!!!

i'm back to it. haha. its a movie which i waited for almost 2 years i think. looking forward. i hope this saturday wont come. but it cant be prevented. hai. haha.

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A kapo who always want to be succesful in life.. haha