haha. she's from philippines. now she's pursuing in a medi course. hope she can be a doctor. LOL. well, here are some of her picture. take this via her friendster.

anyway jie good luck for ur exam ba. rmb the money u cant afford to lost hor. u sure will pass de. haha. i believe in np biz sch grad de not so lao ya de. haha.
last but not least will be respond to somebody's post. i think she was referring to me anyway. cause she hinted that to me. so i just treat it this a message to mine. haha. what can i say when things are not in my favour? turn it against my tide? no ma thats not happen when love is concerned. from the day what u told me abt what u and him, i know it le. so i already treat u as my bud le. i knew u're not busy in somehow and i knew it long ago le, maybe is i never tell u that beforehand ba. sorry, really sincercely sorry. i will take note of my mistake de.
well, i do rmb what she told me anyway. i mean jean, i really cant believe she will choose the same route as me. cause its an unhappy route. but since u chose the route, good luck. i dont know will u have the time to read my blog.
i dont think so, but i just gotta write it out. i wont not say alot of things to u. u just need a listening ear rather than an advisor. so now my role to u is always a ear where u can pour all ur things out. however i will do rmb what u told me, if u have the money, u would take a cruise to lovicious land thats what happen in palwan beach and what u need de is mt. not me. thats what i knew it all along when its so call the 'battle period'. what mich sms me is right. i chose not to. this few month, i really learnt alot. the good and the bad sides of human beings. haha. arigato to everyone who i know within this few months. scared but still gotta face it. haha. if not how to survive? LOL. okay, thats all i can say now. i will continue my drama marathon tml. hehe. LOL. wo lai le, yuan da ying and dong fang xiang!
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